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Thread: Please help tranlate two legal sentences

  1. #1
    New Member Gigi's Avatar
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    Unhappy Please help tranlate two legal sentences

    I have been working on translating a letter for the past week and although I have most of the letter translated, I’m stuck on the last two sentences. Can someone please help!! They are:

    -De esta manera manifestamos la puesta a disposición de nuestra parte para lo que hubiere lugar en Derecho.
    -En la espera de un acercamiento en la brevedad posible, hacemos propicia la ocasión para saludarlo muy atentamente.

    My best guess is:

    Accept this as our notice of representation.
    We look forward to your quick reply and would like to take this moment to send our sincerest regards.
    I know i'm cutting a lot out but how else would you say it?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please help tranlate two legal sentences

    Hi Gigi !! this is just a first approach (attempt) but hang in there, some other options will come along
    Hope it helps

    Hence, we make ourselves available for any legal matter that may take place

    Looking forward to reaching some mutual understanding, we take this opportunity to send you our best regards

    Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
    Gordon B. Hinckley

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Please help tranlate two legal sentences

    GIGI, just another option for your translation.

    In this manner, we manifest our desposition to be available for any legal matter that may take place.
    In the expectation of an approach in the shortest time possible, we take this moment to extent our kind regards.

    Good luck,

  4. #4
    New Member Gigi's Avatar
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    Smile Re: Please help tranlate two legal sentences

    Thank you so much!!! This is such a great site, I was looking everywhere for help and this was my last resort, I really wasn't expecting such quick replies…


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