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Thread: Please, échenme una mano con este texto

  1. #1
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    Smile Please, échenme una mano con este texto

    Buenas tardes,

    Espero que me puedan ayudar con un pequeño párrafo que me resulta un poco confuso y formal, es sobre la aprobación de la comercialización de un nuevo medicamento en un país latinoamericano, cómo sería en inglés:

    "A los fines del estricto cumplimiento del Articulo 15 del Reglamento de la Ley de Farmacia vigente, se informa que están obligados a participar al lnstituto Nacional de Salud la fecha en la cual se inicie la comercialización del primer lote elaborado, de manera que los funcionarios acreditados del INS, puedan proceder a captar las muestras correspondientes en el propio sitio de fabricación, o de distribución en el caso de los productos importados".



  2. #2
    New Member mfux5jr2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please, échenme una mano con este texto

    It's something like this:
    In order to strictly comply with Article 15 of the Ruling of the current ******** Law, we hereby declare that they are obliged to notify the National Health Institute of the date in which they commence commercialisation of the first completed batch, in order that accredited members of INS can proceed to collect the corresponding samples in the site of production or of distribution in the case of imported products.

    Sorry, I'm not much of a legal translator!


  3. #3
    New Member amaniquito's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please, échenme una mano con este texto

    "For purposes of strict compliance with Article 15 of the Regulations of the ******** Law [Reglamento de la Ley de Farmacia] currently in force, parties are hereby notified that they must notify the National Institute of Health [Instituto Nacional de Salud] (INS) of the date on which sale of the first prepared batch is to commence, in order that authorized INS officials may collect the corresponding samples at their production site, or distribution site in the case of imported products."

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Please, échenme una mano con este texto

    For the purpose of strict compliance of Article 15 of the rules of the ******** Law in place, parties are hereby notified that they must inform the National Institute of Health (Instituto Nacional de Salud) (INS) the date in which commercialization of the first batch manufactured is to commence, in order to allow authorized employees of INS to collect samples at the place of production, or distribution if the products are imported"

    "In order that" está incorrecto.

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