En la ciudad de Asunción, República del Paraguay, a 4 días del mes de MAYO del año 2009, la Abogada NAME, Secretaria General de la Universidad Americana Certifica que:
El/la Señor/a
NUMBER ingresó a esta casa de estudios en el año
YEAR habiendo cursado las materias de la
malla curricular de la carrera de
INGENIERIA EN INFORMATICA y según consta en nuestros archivos, sis calificacaciones son como a continuación se expresan:
I find problems specially with
mallar curricular and put my options between brackets.
My English translation approach is as follows:
In the City of Asuncion, Republic of Paraguay, on the 4th day of MAY of 2009, the Lawyer NAME, General Secretary of the Universidad Americana (American University) Certifies that:
NUMBER and RUA (Student Record Number)
NUMBER got admitted in this studies house in the year
YEAR having cursed the subjects of the [
curriculum, diagram curriculum, course structure] of the career of
COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING and as recorded in our files, his grades are as expressed below:
What do the experts think about my translation? Is it fluent and balanced? Suggestions are very welcome.
The Embassy where I'm presenting this requires
literal translation, but I will present the same translation in other applications (I.E. US Fulbright).
Thanks in advance!