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Thread: Confused on a long Spanish sentence .. help

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Confused on a long Spanish sentence .. help

    Hi everyone. I am trying to figure out a very long sentence in a legal document. I am not sure if the sentence is missing punctuation or not. Can anyone help?

    The sentence is

    Que a la firma de este contrato el INMUEBLE se encuentra bajo el régimen ejidal y en proceso la expedición del Certificado Parcelario a favor de la PROMITENTE FIDEICOMITENTE y posteriormente se gestionara la adopción de Dominio Pleno no pudiendo en estos actos precisar tiempos para la obtención de estos documentos lo que se hace del conocimiento del PROMITENTE FIDEICOMISARIO para que no se sienta engañado.

    My best shot at translating it is

    That at the signing of this contract the PROPERTY is under the ejidal regime and is in process of issuance of Certificado Parcelario in favor of the PROMISSORY TRUSTOR and will subsequently arrange for the adoption of freehold title can not in this process specify the time for the procurement of these documents which the PROMISSORY BENEFICIARY acknowledges wherefore as non-deceiving.

    It sounded awkward. The sentence seems to be running-on and needs to be broken up.

  2. #2
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    Wink Re: Confused on a long Spanish sentence .. help

    Be careful, if you sign this document, you are probably looking at a really long and arduous legal battle. Good luck.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Confused on a long Spanish sentence .. help

    Traditional legal documents in Spanish are renown for their lengthy sentences. This is no longer used in English, as many English-speaking countries have adopted the Plain English Style http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plain_English The first thing you should do is divide the paragraph in different sentences.

    Each color should be its own sentence. After that, it should be easier for you to translate the text and easier for the reader to understand it.

    Que a la firma de este contrato el INMUEBLE se encuentra bajo el régimen ejidal y en proceso la expedición del Certificado Parcelario a favor de la PROMITENTE FIDEICOMITENTE y posteriormente se gestionara la adopción de Dominio Pleno no pudiendo en estos actos precisar tiempos para la obtención de estos documentos lo que se hace del conocimiento del PROMITENTE FIDEICOMISARIO para que no se sienta engañado.

    I restructured the sentences a little, but the translation still needs more work.

    The aforementioned PROPERTY is under the ejidal regime at the signing of this contract; it is in process of issuance of Certificado Parcelario in favor of the PROMISSORY TRUSTOR. Subsequently, it will be arranged for the adoption of freehold title. This process does not specify the time for the procurement of these documents, which the PROMISSORY BENEFICIARY acknowledges wherefore as non-deceiving.

    Hope it helps.
    Last edited by michelleba; 08-20-2009 at 02:32 PM.

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