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Thread: "dejando de ser efectiva"?

  1. #1
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    Default "dejando de ser efectiva"?

    My sister has a Mexican divorce decree that gives her two alimonies, one for herself, and one for the children. However, should the children go to live in the U.S. with the father, "el Sr. ... se compromete a solventar todos los gastos de manutencion necesarios dejando de ser efectiva la suma establecida como pension."

    I have an English translation provided by a court translator which translates "dejando de ser efectiva" as "leaving without effect." I am trying to understand this meaning as originally intended by the judge, especially "without effect." Is this:

    a) Leaving in place without affecting the pension. (As in, the ex-husband still has to pay the pension regardless of the location of the children.) or...

    b) Abandoning the requirement for the pension completely.

    If anyone has insight into what this phrase actually means in Spanish, it would be much appreciated.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: "dejando de ser efectiva"?

    el Sr. ... se compromete a solventar todos los gastos de manutencion necesarios dejando de ser efectiva la suma establecida como pension."

    in other words

    If the children go and live with him ...he is commited to take care of all expenses regarding the children's needs, the alimony sum established as pension will cease to be.

    this is as clear as I can say it.
    legal translation teacher.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: "dejando de ser efectiva"?

    Thank you, Mario.

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