Hi! I'm hoping someone can help me with the following few mindbenders. That's what they've been for me. I've referenced so many documents but, I'm still not sure about some of this. Please know, that this is my first legal translation and I feel like I'm way in over my head.![]()
This is in the context of Industrial Property Law, specifically trademark registration.
As you read the original below keep in mind that
"Instituto" refers to Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial.
and what I highlighted in blue is a long title for one of the documents embedded in the paragraph. Can you believe it?![]()
Articulo 17, fraccion lll, 28 y 31 del Estatuto Organico de este Instituto. Articulo 1, 3, y 6, inciso a) parrafos antepenultimo, penultimo y ultimo del Acuerdo que delega facultades en los Directores Generales Adjuntos, Coordinador, Directores Divisionales, Titulares de las Oficinas Regionales, Subdirectores Divisionales, Coordinadores Departamentales y otros Subalternos del Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial, Ordenamientos Legales cuyas reformas, adiciones y modificaciones se encuentran vigentes a la fecha de emision del presente titulo.
Here's what I've come up with, so far.
Mexican Institute of Industrial Property Statute/Code, Articles 17, section lll, 28 and 31.
Bylaws / Agreement wherein powers are delegated to the Deputy Directors General, Coordinator, Divisional Directors, Heads of the Regional Offices, Assistant Divisional, Department Coordinators and other staff of the Mexican Institute of the Industrial Property. Articles 1, 3 and 6 item a) last, second from last and third from last paragraphs. Also delegated in accordance with the Legal System whose reforms, additions and modifications are in effect at the time that this Certificate of Registration is issued.
Boy, do I have sooo much to learn! I will GREATLY appreciate any feedback I can get! Thank you in advance!