how to say martillo in english, as a part of ear-but in a medical register?
how to say martillo in english, as a part of ear-but in a medical register?
Componentes del oido: Sistema auditivo humano
The middle ear is an air filled space located in the temporal bone of the skull. Air pressure is equalized in this space via the Eustachian tube which drains into the nasopharynx or the back of the throat and nose. There are three small bones, or ossicles, that are located adjacent to the tympanic membrane. The malleus, incus, and stapes are attached like a chain to the tympanic membrane and convert sound waves that vibrate the membrane into mechanical vibrations of the three bones. The stapes fills the oval window which is the connection to the inner ear.
Last edited by penningdcp; 12-15-2010 at 02:59 PM.
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