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Thread: i just can't translate this!!

  1. #1
    Hay is offline
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    Default i just can't translate this!!

    RTU prostatica / disnea a moderados esfuerzos/ ortopnea de 2 almohadas/ no angor de esfuerzo/ peristaltismo normal

    and also:

    how do you translate despues de descartar estenosis significativa de asas intestinales se epezó el tratamiento con ciproflaxacino

    Please help me someone as i'm trying to translate this for an old guy who was taken into hospital in spain and the english nurses cant understand what he went in for etc...

    many thanks

  2. #2
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Hi Hay, I do hope that this helps and my prayers for the patient's recovery

    Transuretral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) / breathing difficulty with moderate efforts / Orthopnea (requiring the support of two pillows for breathing) / no chest pain produced by efforts / normal peristalsis

    After ruling out significant intestinal stenosis (intestinal duct narrowing) we started treating the patient with ciprofloxacin

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