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Thread: como martilléo

  1. #1
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    Default como martilléo

    Piquete en segundo dedo del pie derecho como martilléo.

    Prick in the second toe of the right foot, as if hammering.
    Cólera con inconformidad.

    Rage with nonconformity.
    Pesadez o tirón en occipucio

    Heaviness or tug in the occiput.
    Sensación de tierra en los ojos como cerrados.
    Sensation of dirt in the eyes as if they were closed.
    Pan molido.
    Breadcrumbs ? or ground bread
    dolor de todo el cuerpo como "cortado"
    bruised pain over whole body

    Are these translations correct ? I know, its much, but I really need help and would appreciate any response.

    Thanks again,

  2. #2
    Senior Member Veronica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katja
    Puntadas en segundo dedo del pie derecho como un martilleo.

    Prick in the second toe of the right foot, as if hammering.
    Sensación de tierra en los ojos como cerrados.
    Sensation of dirt in the eyes as if they were closed.
    Pan molido.
    I'd go with bread crumbs, although it's a literal translation, what is it talking about?
    dolor de todo el cuerpo como "cortado"
    bruised pain over whole body

    Hope it helps!

  3. #3
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    Default Contuso

    Quote Originally Posted by Katja
    dolor de todo el cuerpo como "cortado"
    bruised pain over whole body
    Bruise is translated as "contusión" and it describes a sort of injury quite different than a "cutting" one as there is no open wound involved. I would use "dolor de contusión en todo el cuerpo".

  4. #4
    Forum User ForumMD's Avatar
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    Prick in the second toe of the right foot, as if hammering.

    Puntada en el segundo dedo del pie derecho, como si lo estuvieran martillando
    Rage with nonconformity

    Furioso/a con disconformidad
    Sensation of dirt in the eyes as if they were closed

    Sensacion de tierra en los ojos como si estuvieran cerrados
    Breadcrumbs = migajas
    Ground bread = pan molido o rayado
    bruised pain over whole body

    Dolor contuso en todo el cuerpo
    I hope it helps

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