I would appreciate help translating the following:
No podemos dejar de recordar....
I would appreciate help translating the following:
No podemos dejar de recordar....
We should mention
We should remember ... (Dr. X's work...)
We could not help but remember (?)
Not sure of this last option
Thank you. I think that the last (in your list) probably comes closest because of the context in which the phrase appeared. I was guessing something like "...we can't forget..." I should have included the entire phrase or, at least, a bit more of it.
Here is a more complete part of the sentence I was dealing with: "...No podemos dejar de recordar que Jesus, Buda, Mahoma y otros lideres religiosos lograron tener un impacto duradero que nunca se podra borrar...."
Please forgive the lack of accent marks. I don't know how to get them.
Sí, creo que "We can't forget that Jesus... made a long-lasting impact that can never be..." etc. es la mejor opción.
Con respecto a las tildes y puntuación para teclados en inglés:
- Tilde: Alt Gr + vocal (alternativamente, Ctrl + Alt + vocal)
- ñ: Alt + 164 en el teclado numérico
- Ñ: Alt + 165
- ¡: Alt + 173
- ¿: Alt + 168
- ü: Alt + 129
- Ü: Alt + 154
Hope this helps
Muchas gracias pero ningun de sus recomendaciones funcionan. (Bueno, no se la significa de "Gr" y por eso no trate este). Tal vez es un problema de mi computadora. Es un "HP laptop."
crtl+alt+vowel tampoco funciono??
Desafortunadamente, no.
We must not forget that ..."...No podemos dejar de recordar que Jesus, Buda, Mahoma y otros lideres religiosos lograron tener un impacto duradero que nunca se podra borrar...."
Don't forget that...
Keep in mind that...
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