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Thread: Profesión en Informática - Computer Science

  1. #1
    Forum User mrei's Avatar
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    Question Profesión en Informática - Computer Science


    I would like to confirm my translations of titles in the computer science world.
    1. "Licenciado en Análisis de Sistemas" to Bachelor in Systems Analysis
    2. "Ingeniero en Informática" to Computer Science Engineer
    I'm not sure which is the correct form: Bachelor in... or Bachelor of Science in... Systems Analysis.

    Thanks in advance. Good day!


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Profesión en Informática - Computer Science

    Quote Originally Posted by mrei

    I would like to confirm my translations of titles in the computer science world.
    1. "Licenciado en Análisis de Sistemas" to Bachelor in Systems Analysis
    2. "Ingeniero en Informática" to Computer Science Engineer
    I'm not sure which is the correct form: Bachelor in... or Bachelor of Science in... Systems Analysis.

    Thanks in advance. Good day!

    First of all... Is this a translation to be used in the US?
    A Bachelors title is a 4-year title. For the 5 year title, many people use the MS (masters) instead of the BS (Bachelors in Science).

    If you'll use this in the US, the right thing to do is to call this
    Bachelors in Science - Systems Analysis, it's abreviated form is
    BS in Sistems Analysis. Sometimes these titles have a business orientation, if so, it is correct to add that to the title.

    And you are correct, Ingeniero en Informatica is a Computer Science Engineer.

    Depending on the number of years of study, it could be considered a Masters in Science.

    For example, many Universities in Argentina (where I grew up) offer an intermidiate title - of 3 years - of "Analistas de Sistemas" or "Calculista Cientifico". These are Bachelor titles.

    If this is a resume (cv) , and you need help on the proper format and content of a resume for a technical job, please don't hesitate to ask. Of course LinkedIn is an excellent source.

  3. #3
    Forum User mrei's Avatar
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    Default Re: Profesión en Informática - Computer Science

    The translation is going to be used for many scholarship applications around the world.

    The first place I'm going to present it is at the Japanese Embassy. But I have plans to apply for the Fulbright Scholarship as well (US). And others if I find the opportunity.

    So, it's going to be used for academic purposes primarily. But if an interesting job appears it might well be used for that purpose too. My experience is around networking and telecommunications.

    Your orientation is very appreciated! Argentina and Paraguay have similar study systems.

    My final goal might include living at the States where half my family is already living, including my mother.

    ¡Muchas gracias actkkck!


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