Wanted to know if querida means 'dear' or does it really mean mistress in slang??
Wanted to know if querida means 'dear' or does it really mean mistress in slang??
Originally Posted by crystalclr20
It means "beloved" as in mi querida amiga...my beloved friend...and in my experience is used as an affectionate term such as sweetheart, sugar, baby or honey, maybe dear, etc....but "amor" is more commonly used for dear. I suppose some people might use it to describe their mistress but I haven't heard it used like that.
HI crystal, it means both, depending on the context.
Right Vicente! That's exactly the way it's used in Argentina, as "beloved". It's not common as mistress, maybe it used to be in the past in the 1900 but not anymore.Originally Posted by vicente
Hope it helps!
Hello all!
Here the word has the two meanings but the mistress meaning is not too widely used anymore.
It is a meaning that my Grandma and even my Mom would use to refer to a man's lover but the younger generation would not.
HOpe it helps!
Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
Trygve Halvdan Lie
The same goes for Veenzuela, Sandrita my friend !!! It has both meanings and it depends on the context. However, as you pointed out, young people do not use "querida" too often for referring to mistress. . They now use "amante" insteadOriginally Posted by SandraT
Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
Gordon B. Hinckley
That's exactly what I ment!Originally Posted by Hebe
Now people say:
Tiene una amante o tiene un amante
Tiene un tipo o tiene una mina
Any other suggestions??
Best regards,
Originally Posted by mem286
Ja, ja ja, that’s is exactly how they say it nowadays. You are absolutely right mem. Indeed, our dear Latin countries are joined by a cultural legacy that is thicker than blood
Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
Gordon B. Hinckley
Lo de tipo y mina no se entendería aquí.
Aquí decimos amante, querida, lío......
Hola Exx!Originally Posted by exxcéntrica
Eso me recuerda la indignación que me causó leer "Crepúsculo" de Staphanie Meyer traducido por un traductor español... demasiadas palabras y frases inentendibles para nosotros! ¿Cómo una editorial como Alfaguara no contrata un traductor latinoamericano??
Best regards!
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