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Thread: ¿Por qué se le dice baggy?

  1. #1
    PIM is offline
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    Default ¿Por qué se le dice baggy?

    Un jean holgado es baggy, se refiere a su comodidad, sólo se me ocurre asociarlo a algo ¿vago?
    ¿ustedes que creen?

    ¿No había un modelo de auto que se llamaba igual o parecido?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: ¿Por qué se le dice baggy?

    Hello PIM!

    Baggy refers to any loose fitting clothing, i.e., baggy jeans, baggy pants, baggy shirt, baggy suit, et cetera. It is fashionable for certain items to be baggy (jeans) and others to be baggy for comfort (sweaters) but it can also be a derogatory comment or unflattering thing to say that a person's clothes are baggy because the clothing is ill-fitted. "Look at her and that baggy thing she's wearing!"; or "The poor guy came to the meeting wearing a baggy suit"; "He always looks like a hobo in those old baggy clothes he wears".

    So yes, I'd associate baggy with "vago", (maybe feo! but I don't think younger people would.

    I don't know about Vago but there was a car called a Yugo?

    Which brings up a question:

    Here in the U.S. the young men have taken baggy to the extreme and wear their pants off the hips down below the buttocks so that their entire butt is showing. (unfortunately, that trend has not yet caught on with the girls)

    I don't know where it started but I think it was with the rappers and gang members here in the U.S. Do you have that "fashion" in Argentina...or anywhere else?

    It has become so bad that it has been banned in schools and in public in some towns. It is perhaps the most stupid fashion statement I've yet seen.(sorry, no offense. That's just my opinion.)
    Last edited by vicente; 02-13-2014 at 12:31 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: ¿Por qué se le dice baggy?

    Hi Vicente, yes, we do have this fashion here in Argentina as well, but I guess not that extreme but pretty close!!
    Pim, Vicente, I guess the "baggy" terms comes from "bag" giving the idea of something loose. What do you think?
    I hope the trend never gets to the girls, because that would be the least classy thing I could ever see!!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: ¿Por qué se le dice baggy?

    Hi analaura!!

    I think you are right about the term coming from "bag". One definition of bag is synonymous with to sag, as in hanging loosely or drooping down.

  5. #5
    PIM is offline
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    Default Re: ¿Por qué se le dice baggy?

    Es interesante la observación. Me trae a la memora la historia de los coolhunters que observaban a varios chicos jugando al basket en la ciudad de Nueva York. Cuando ellos hacían un tiro a la canasta se les levantada la remera y dejaban ver su ropa interior. Le propusieron a Calvin Klein que hicieran una publicidad en la cual incluyeran a esos chicos (no se si exactamente esos), pero en lugar de llevar underwear de cualquier otra marc,a que fuesen Calvin. El hecho aislado, se conviertió en tendencia para masificarse en moda.

    No sé si exactamente llevaban baggys pero podria ser.

    Aunque en las mujeres no se instaló la moda de "pierdo el pantalón mientras voy caminando", algunas insisten en lucir orgullosas el tiro bajo, aquel que deja en evidencia la ropa interior que llevan puesta.

    En indumentaria, el modelo baggys es diferente a los jeans anchos. A no confundir. Tienen distinto corte.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: ¿Por qué se le dice baggy?

    Quote Originally Posted by PIM View Post
    Un jean holgado es baggy, se refiere a su comodidad, sólo se me ocurre asociarlo a algo ¿vago?
    ¿ustedes que creen?

    ¿No había un modelo de auto que se llamaba igual o parecido?
    Re: Baggy clothes
    To me if someone wears baggy clothes, it means ill fitted clothes. That to me it means the clothes are bigger than they need to be. It is not the same as comfortable clothes. Comfortable clothes are the opposite of "fit" clothes but comfortable clothes still need to be of adequate size. Some stores call the comfortable clothes "loose fit".

    Re: auto
    You are actually referring to "buggies" or VW buggies. Different pronunciation.

    Bag rhymes with Mag
    Bug rhymes with Rug

  7. #7
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    Default Re: ¿Por qué se le dice baggy?

    So we can blame Calvin Klein for that awful "fashion trend"?

    Of course you are right PIM. There is a difference between baggy jeans and "full cut, comfortable" jeans. Baggy, off the butt, pants (not necessarily jeans) are popular with teenage boys. Wide or full-cut jeans for men are built more for comfort. Are women also wearing them now?

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    Default Re: ¿Por qué se le dice baggy?

    Quote Originally Posted by PIM View Post
    Un jean holgado es baggy, se refiere a su comodidad, sólo se me ocurre asociarlo a algo ¿vago?
    ¿ustedes que creen?

    ¿No había un modelo de auto que se llamaba igual o parecido?
    Also do not confuse baggy pants with sagging (below the waist) pants.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: ¿Por qué se le dice baggy?

    When I was just a whipper snapper baggy was the style. I remember wearing jenco pants which were like wearing parachute pants but made out of jeans. Absolutely ridiculous...

  10. #10
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    Default Re: ¿Por qué se le dice baggy?

    Baggy clothing or sagging is so 90's.

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