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Thread: free of the house

  1. #1
    Contributing User
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    Default free of the house

    Hola. ¿Cómo se traduciría al castellano "free of the house" en la frase siguiente?: Of course in my capacity as executor I should have to visit the place occasionally, but my knowledge of the world told me it would not do, even for a man old enough to be the widow´s father, to continue free of the house now its master was dead.
    Gracias por vuestra ayuda.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: free of the house

    Broken down: ...as executor, I...should have to visit the place...but...it would not do...to continue free of the house...

    I think "free of the house" means to "to stay away from the house"...or not continue to freely visit the house.

    It seems ambiguous but I think it's it says The master is dead and his widow lives in the house so even an old man should not be visiting her too often (because of appearances and gossip).

    Lacking context, I'm not sure, so you should wait for other opinions.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: free of the house

    Estoy de acuerdo con Vicente.

    "mi conocimiento del mundo me sugería que no era conveniente seguir visitando libremente la casa ahora que su dueño había muerto" y esto aplica también para el orador, a pesar de ser él mismo "un hombre lo suficientemente viejo como para ser el padre de la viuda"

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