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Thread: Que significa "Osea..."

  1. #11
    New Member cedarfrost's Avatar
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    Default need translation

    Quote Originally Posted by Julio Jaubert
    The phrase is "O sea". It's a pet phrase and it means "I mean...".
    I was wondering if you could translate for me...my friend who usually does is unavailable for a few days. Please let me know. Here is the message that I need translated to english: (I understand part of it but a few words do not come thru the translator that I am using) Thanks for your help.

    Si Deb
    Yo he contestado tus correos, pero tampoco tuve contestacion
    Te decia que posiblemente acepte tu propuesta de enviarme a tu machito para la campana aca....y pago el viaje a cambio de la lechigada.
    Gucci esta actualmente compitiendo por el Numero de Crestado Chino...para Noviembre tenemos definido el Ranking\\

    Recibiste la foto ??? estoy poniendo a Gucci en cinta...para fortalecerlo y muscularlo...
    Un beso grande

  2. #12
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    this is a strange text if we don't know the context. I assume and I may be totally wrong that it has to do with pigs, horses??? what kind of animal, you must know!!!
    anyway...this is my try!

    Yes Deb. I have replied to your emails but didn't get a reply either. I was telling you that I may accept your proposal of sending me the ____ (a male horse, a pig, an animal ) here and I pay for the trip in exchange for the litter.
    Gucci is currently competing for the Numero de Crestado Chino. We will have the ranking defined for November.
    Did you get the picture? I am trying to put Gucci in good shape, to strenghten it and shape its muscles.
    A big kiss
    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
    Trygve Halvdan Lie

  3. #13
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    Post "O Sea"

    I agree that "O sea" could be used to mean "in other words." I have noticed that people (specifically Spaniards and Puertoricans) tend to pause slightly when they say it, as if they are searching quickly for a different way to explain something. Hope this is helpful!

    Un saludo

  4. #14
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    i say osea all the time and when i say it i mean "so like..."

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Que significa "Osea..."

    Quote Originally Posted by Julio Jaubert
    Pet phrase is a phrase somebody repeats almost always in all the sentences. I think it isn't the exact translation but is the closest idea to "muletilla" in Spanish, like "Ehhh..." or "Esteeee...", or in the last years "...güe!"

    For example:
    Oye güe, ¿ya viste la película güe? ¡Está muy buena güe!

    "Güe" is completely innecesary, it doesn't have a meaning in the phrase, and I can say the same about "osea".

    I hope it helps.
    I think that what you mean by "pet phrase" is called technically as a HEDGE.

  6. #16
    Forum User Fabianea's Avatar
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    Default Re: Que significa "Osea..."

    I think it has something to do with "bones".



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