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Thread: Unsure about some Spanish text speak, please help!

  1. #1
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    Default Unsure about some Spanish text speak, please help!

    Hi all,

    I am looking for some help. I received a few text messages from a Spanish friend of mine, and I don't understand very much at all. I think she uses too many slang terms for my limited understanding. Any attempts to translate them I would be very grateful for, and apologies if anything is rude!

    Thank you!

    1.Guola guola!!! K tal va ese body? Alex me puedes hacer un favorazo si te da tiempo!!! Me puedes pillar tabaco ilegal yo te doy la pasta luego, please!!!

    2.Jodo amigo k mal vives!!! Venga levanta ese body!!! Ayer yego a beber una copa mas y vomito.

    3. Ordenando y cuidandome, si me hace luego te pego toke.

    4. Yo d siesta, cama y no me he levantado todavia.

    Thanks again, any contributions welcome.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Unsure about some Spanish text speak, please help!

    Hi, there!

    Well, how to put it? You're certainly right about your concerns, though it is not rude these days.

    I could try with the last message, number 4. Let's find other helpers for the rest!

    4. Yo d siesta, cama y no me he levantado todavia.
    I'm here having a nap, still in bed.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Unsure about some Spanish text speak, please help!

    Hello I'll give you a hand with number 3-Ordenando y cuidandome, si me hace luego te pego toke. == Cleaning up and taking care of myself, if I feel like I'll give you a call later on!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Unsure about some Spanish text speak, please help!

    OK...I'll try to help with 1 & 2.

    Very loosely translated because it is almost all slang:

    1. Hello, hello! How's that body (you)? Alex, can you do me a huge favor if you have time!!! Can you get (catch, buy) me some illegal tobacco (weed?) I'll give you the pasta (money) later, please!!!

    2. F**k! friend, how bad you live!!! Get that body (yourself) up!!! Yesterday I drank one drink too many and threw up (vomited).

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Unsure about some Spanish text speak, please help!

    I'm not sure about #3, but I can't get the meaning of the last sentence. The rest of the contributions seem correct to me. Tell her to pay more attention to grammar and syntax next time!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Unsure about some Spanish text speak, please help!

    I think Alfredo is pretty close with his "deciphering" of #3.

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