Hey guys, can anyone tell me what "holgura" means? Thanks!
Hey guys, can anyone tell me what "holgura" means? Thanks!
Hey Amayo.. Holgura actually means something like loose.. When you have an old pair of shoes they feel loose, but its more use to clothes like trousers or shirts..
I agree with Matias. It means bagginess or looseness or roominess".
Also means "play" as in "this bearing has a lot of play in it (looseness)".
Another use is like "bienestar" as in "vivir con holgurato": to be well off, financially comfortable.
Also in terms of space...it means like "room" as in "this warehouse has plenty of room
Hey Adam,
Those are the usual meanings. You probably heard it in a context of project management and it is very related.
This term basically means that you have some extra time or money for some tasks or projects. It is used in case something unplanified happens and it could be used to avoid bigger complications. There are many translations into English like slack or buffer.
It can also mean like a little gap between two objects.
Holgura has Three Meanings:
1) Looseness related to the spanish word "Anchura" (Wide)
2) Confortable Living related to spanish the spanish word "Bienestar"
3) Enjoyment - Merriment related to Alegría o Goce (Happiness)
1) El tornillo tiene holgura y hay que reponerlo por otro mas grande (The screw is loose and needs to be repleced by a large one
2) Vivir con Holgura (Live comfortably)
3) El nadador superó a sus competidores con Holgura (Swimmer outperformed it's competitors with enjoyment)
The 3th form is very inusual and outdated.
Wow thanks guys! It appears that the word can be used in many different ways. This definitely helped a lot!! Thanks!![]()
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