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Thread: El Gordo Lottery - children singing numbers

  1. #11
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    Default Re: El Gordo Lottery - children singing numbers

    Ok then! Everything clear now ;-)

    In this example you give us the girl is singing out the number whereas the boy (the one you mean) signs the quantity of the prize (mil Euros), I am afraid there are just two words :-)

    The video quality is quite poor, but the first one to talk is the girl, who says the number and then the boy sings out the number. Hope this helps!

  2. #12
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    Default Re: El Gordo Lottery - children singing numbers

    My mistake. I thought you were asking what English words they were using I've listened to it over and over. Right at 26:43 the boy slows it down but it is still unintelligible to me.

  3. #13
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    Default Re: El Gordo Lottery - children singing numbers

    Quote Originally Posted by vicente View Post
    My mistake. I thought you were asking what English words they were using I've listened to it over and over. Right at 26:43 the boy slows it down but it is still unintelligible to me.
    Ok - Thanks very much for trying - maybe someone else knows?
    It's the most popular lottery in Spain so, surely someone knows what the 1st child says, it's just 3 words!

  4. #14
    Senior Member matiasc's Avatar
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    Default Re: El Gordo Lottery - children singing numbers

    Hehehe He's saying (or singing) "Mil Euros" that's "a thousand Euros"

  5. #15
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    Default Re: El Gordo Lottery - children singing numbers

    Quote Originally Posted by matiasc View Post
    Hehehe He's saying (or singing) "Mil Euros" that's "a thousand Euros"
    That's what Lavices Casal posted above! I listened and the second word doesn't sound like "euros" but apparently you are both right.

    According to Wikipedia ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_Christmas_Lottery ) : As the drawing goes on, a single ball is extracted from each of the revolving spheres at the same time. One child sings the winning number, the other child sings the corresponding prize. This is repeated until all the prize-balls are connected to a number. Due to the sheer number of prizes, this procedure takes several hours. The children work in about eight to nine shifts,

  6. #16
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    Default Re: El Gordo Lottery - children singing numbers

    Thanks very much. That does make sense.

    To my ears, there are 3 distinct sounds being made, Mi Lem Dos - which could indeed mean Mil Euros, but how the children say this is different to how Google translate says it.


    So, would this be a dialect thing? Or perhaps just a language nuance for ease of repetition (singing) purposes?

    Let me put the question this way, if I went to Spain and had a 1000 Euro note (I know) would I say it like the Children (without the singing) or like Google translate?

    Thanks for looking at this - I think the mystery has now been solved...

  7. #17
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    Default Re: El Gordo Lottery - children singing numbers

    I could listen to the the kid in the video a thousand times and never guess he was saying euros. ..and I'm assuming that is what he is saying only because the table of prizes in the Wikipedia link lists the prize for most of the balls as 1000 euros...mil euros...and he's definitely saying mil so it seems likely it is euros; unless the Spanish have another word for euro.

    If you happen to be in Spain with 1000 euros I'd suggest you say euro...eh.oor.oh.
    I wouldn't try to mimic what the boy saying.

  8. #18
    Senior Member matiasc's Avatar
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    Default Re: El Gordo Lottery - children singing numbers

    Hahahahaha If you speak like the kid I'm sure it'll be the hell of a fun time..
    No, it's not a dialect or another way of speaking.. For a reason I don't know, in those kind of games (bingo, lottery and others) the singing kids usually use that kind of "singing" to shout the prizes or winning numbers..
    Its not only something that happen in Europe, its also something common in my country... Don't ask me why, because I wouldn't know what to say

  9. #19
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    Default Re: El Gordo Lottery - children singing numbers

    Ok - call me crazy - I rang the Spanish lottery and a kind man there was able to speak English and did confirm that the 1st child is saying: ""a thousand Euros"

    So, thanks very much - I just wanted to double confirm due to the confusion here. Glad that's all sorted out now! :>)

  10. #20
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    Default Re: El Gordo Lottery - children singing numbers

    Just to bear out what Matias says, you can hear the Argentine Gordo Lottery at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zTYxRIhCI0
    Kids always use a distinctive sing to shout the numbers regardless of the country they are from. I've checked the Uruguayan lottery as well and it is all the same too

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