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Thread: Rector and Rectory or párroco y parroquia?

  1. #1
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    Question Rector and Rectory or párroco y parroquia?

    Dear all,
    In the context of a novel, NOT a legal text at all, would you say it is better to keep the original English RECTOR and Rectory (explaining it refers to an Anglican Church minister), or translate it as PÁRROCO and parroquia?

    Thank you so much in advance for your ideas and help

  2. #2
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rector and Rectory or párroco y parroquia?

    Hi there!

    As a native Spanish speaker, it's better to translate it! The term "rector" in Spanish has many other meanings, so this term might create confusion.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Rector and Rectory or párroco y parroquia?

    Thank you.
    I know about the other meanings, that's why if RECTOR and RECTORÍA were to be used, a note would be added, explaining what I mentioned in my post.

  4. #4
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rector and Rectory or párroco y parroquia?

    I'm trying to make a short research on religion (not my field of expertise) and I've found this:

    El rector no tiene las funciones propias de un párroco en su parroquia (bautismos, confirmaciones, el viático y la unción de enfermos, asistencia a matrimonios, funerales, procesiones y algunas bendiciones), salvo que haya recibido delegación para eso, o cuente con el consentimiento del párroco del lugar donde se encuentra la iglesia.

    This is the link to the whole document: Lexicon Canonicum

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Rector and Rectory or párroco y parroquia?

    Quote Originally Posted by reminder View Post
    I'm trying to make a short research on religion (not my field of expertise) and I've found this:

    El rector no tiene las funciones propias de un párroco en su parroquia (bautismos, confirmaciones, el viático y la unción de enfermos, asistencia a matrimonios, funerales, procesiones y algunas bendiciones), salvo que haya recibido delegación para eso, o cuente con el consentimiento del párroco del lugar donde se encuentra la iglesia.

    This is the link to the whole document: Lexicon Canonicum
    Hey, that's a load of work you did!
    I read it, I mean your source, I didn't know there was a rector in a catholic parroquia.
    Thank you so much.

  6. #6
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rector and Rectory or párroco y parroquia?

    I'm glad to be of any help! I little bit more to read (with translation EN>ES):

    La Iglesia Anglicana es la Iglesia oficial de Inglaterra. [...] Inglaterra está dividida en 44 diócesis y 13.000 parroquias (parishes), cada una de las cuales está a cargo de un párroco (vicar).

    Source: Compact Oxford Spanish Dictionary

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Rector and Rectory or párroco y parroquia?

    Hi there again!
    Yes, I've been Reading too. For instance: "Today, the roles of a rector and a vicar are essentially the same in England. Which of the two titles is held by the parish priest is historical. Some parishes have a rector, others a vicar." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rector_(ecclesiastical)
    So I still haven't made up my mind about the 2 options.
    However, it might be better to leave the term Rector and Rectoría with a FOOTNOTE explaining it refers to an Anglican Church minister, I'd say.

    THANK YOU very much for your time and help!

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Rector and Rectory or párroco y parroquia?

    It's strange, I have already answered you but it doesn't show.
    Don't know why.

  9. #9
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rector and Rectory or párroco y parroquia?

    Hi! The post stays some time in moderation since you are a new member.

    I read your research work and, again, I'm so glad to have helped you to find an answer to your translation issue!

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