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Thread: What is "GARCA"?

  1. #11
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    Default Re: What is "GARCA"?

    Hay otra fuente para verificar. Es una página muy buena: Todotango.com - Término: garca de nuestro Diccionario Lunfardo

  2. #12
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    Default Re: What is "GARCA"?

    Sea como sea, es una palabra fundamental, sin la cual Argentina no sería lo mismo (?)

  3. #13
    Senior Member iyuanobi's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is "GARCA"?

    Interesting! Thank you all for the information

  4. #14
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    Default Re: What is "GARCA"?

    Quote Originally Posted by tylerwood377 View Post
    i searched for this word on different search engines but the answer's are same that garca is town in Brazil. so i keep searching what's the meaning of this word to help you
    The town in Brazil is "Garça". The pronunciation is different.
    The C in Garca is strong. It sounds like the C in "car".
    On the contrary, the Ç in Garça sounds weaker, like an S.

  5. #15
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    Default Re: What is "GARCA"?

    Quote Originally Posted by francot View Post
    Sea como sea, es una palabra fundamental, sin la cual Argentina no sería lo mismo (?)
    After so much time in Argentina, I feel like it has one of the strongest slang in the world, with a tremendous variety. Dont you agree?

  6. #16
    Moderator eidjit's Avatar
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    Generally Absurd Ridiculous Character Association

    That I know of is a common way of communicating the character of someones attitude towards being a trickster or a hustler or a "party pooper"
    But it's very vulgar.

  7. #17
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is "GARCA"?

    He/she's a crook!

  8. #18
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    Default Re: What is "GARCA"?

    Quote Originally Posted by danielr View Post
    Exactly, it doesn't come from the word "oligarca" but from the vesre of "cagar".
    Actually, it's a bit of both. The way common language evolves and takes shape in Argentina is never linear or simply binary as a process, being just as complex as its political culture, having multiple layers of meaning as they are diverse prevailing social ideologies in constant conflict, each generating their own terms to pejoratively refer to their socio-political antagonists. Given this complex idiosyncratic nature, slang terms in Argentina might share many origins or meanings at the same time.

    In the case of "garca" it might well come as a derivation of the term "oligarca", considering the oligarchy as a ruling social stratus (since the country's early days as a newborn nation-state in the late 1800's) has always been considered as an oppressing social class who has always (metaphorically speaking) "taken a dump" on the lower working classes, which were socially and politically neglected until the birth of populism as a sociopolitical movement in the 1940's

    So basically, oliGARCAS take major GARCOS over the less privileged people.

    That's the main general idea behind the common use of the term, and although anyone can "take a shit", you should never try to "cagar más alto de lo que te da el culo"/"take a dump that piles over the level of your own arse" (referring to another expression which reaffirms that your social "height" gives you and advantage even when it come to defecating, since the higher you climb up the social latter, the more people you are able to empty your vowels upon, and the less likely it becomes for you to get shitted on by others.
    Last edited by cesarm; 12-27-2018 at 02:51 PM.

  9. #19
    Senior Member iyuanobi's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is "GARCA"?

    Really detailed explanation cesarm!

  10. #20
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    Default Re: What is "GARCA"?

    Quote Originally Posted by cesarm View Post
    Actually, it's a bit of both. The way common language evolves and takes shape in Argentina is never linear or simply binary as a process, being just as complex as its political culture, having multiple layers of meaning as there are diverse prevailing social ideologies in constant conflict, each generating their own terms to pejoratively refer to their socio-political antagonists. Given this complex idiosyncratic nature, slang terms in Argentina might share many origins or meanings at the same time.

    In the case of "garca" it might well come as a derivation of the term "oligarca", considering the oligarchy as a ruling social stratus (since the country's early days as a newborn nation-state in the late 1800's) has always been considered as an oppressing social class who has always (
    metaphorically speaking)
    "taken a dump" on the lower working classes, which were socially and politically neglected until the birth of populism as a sociopolitical movement in the 1940's

    So basically, oliGARCAS take major GARCOS over the less privileged people.

    That's the main general idea behind the common use of the term, and although anyone can "take a shit", you should never try to "cagar más alto de lo que te da el culo"/"take a dump that piles over the level of your own arse" (referring to another expression which reaffirms that your social "height" gives you and advantage even when it come to defecating, since the higher you climb up the social latter, the more people you are able to empty your vowels upon, and the less likely it becomes for you to get shitted on by others.
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