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Thread: Mexican Dialect

  1. #11
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    Default Re: Mexican Dialect

    Hey, how does one correctly spell what Edward James Olmos says a lot in the '80s movie, Stand and Deliver that sounds like "Oya-leeee"

    And as far as "I could care less..." - that's double sarcasm.

    Obviously the speaker couldn't care less, so saying he/she could care less is a double-shot of sarcasm upon sarcasm, or sarcasm˛.

    Quote Originally Posted by vicente
    This is a translator's forum and we are striving to speak correct English and Spanish so just to correct a slight error for those who might be confused by the usage of the phrase "I could not care less" versus "I could care less":

    The phrase "I could care less" is an incorrect way to say that you could not be less concerned about something. It means you actually could be less concerned when you are trying to say you could NOT.

    To put it another way:

    "I could not care less" is the correct way to say you have reached the limits of not caring.

    "I could care less" means, yes, you still care, at least somewhat.

    This is a common mistake in using this phrase.

    Think about it.


  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Mexican Dialect

    órale interjección (Méx fam) (expresando acuerdo) right!, OK!;
    (para animar) come on!

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