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Thread: chaida, que significa?

  1. #11
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: chaida, que significa?

    Quote Originally Posted by vicente
    From Jergas de habla hispana:

    Chairo (a) (Mexico) joven que profesa estar en contra de la globilización, ser naturalista, ecologista y luchar por los seres desventajados, pero es contradictorio, incongruente (en la Ciudad de Mexico). Organizaro una march de protesta por la paz, pero la mayoria de los chairos no participó porque ese mismo día inauguraban un café literario. (adj.) proprio de este tipo de persona. ¿Que piensas de la ideología chaira?

    A very quick translation:

    Chairo (a)
    "A young person who claims to be against globalization, to be a naturalist, ecologist and works to help the disadvantaged but is contradictory, incongruent. In Mexico City they organized a protest march for peace but the majority of them did not participate because that same day they were opening a literary cafe.
    I found the same thing vicente (and the other meaning as well). Here there's an interesting .jpg with all the different tribes or groups in Mexico, and for chairos says: mota (mexican term for marijuana) + anti-imperialism + in favour of aborigens and suntan = CHAIROS


    Maybe we should wait for a Mexican member of the forum for his/her opinion, just don't jump to premature conclusions about your friends.

    Hope it helps!

  2. #12
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    Default Re: chaida, que significa?

    Quote Originally Posted by mem286
    I found the same thing vicente (and the other meaning as well). Here there's an interesting .jpg with all the different tribes or groups in Mexico, and for chairos says: mota (mexican term for marijuana) + anti-imperialism + in favour of aborigens and suntan = CHAIROS


    Maybe we should wait for a Mexican member of the forum for his/her opinion, just don't jump to premature conclusions about your friends.

    Hope it helps!
    Hi Mer:

    I hope jen comes back to read these posts. I tried to post before she signed off last night but apparently she left before I had a chance to translate the item I found. I also PMd her but got no response. I asked her if she thought her friends might be teasing her about being into ecology...you know, saving the trees and cleaning up the planet That's a big deal here in the U.S. right now...talking about conservation of resources, recycling, getting off oil dependency, going "green", etc.

    Would you correct my translation? I'm sure there are better words for "incongruente" and "café literario". Isn't that a little coffee shop where people go to read? I've seen them in the U.S. but cannot remember what they call them.

  3. #13
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    Default Re: chaida, que significa?

    I took this from the website you posted Mer.

    ¿Chairas o no chairas? Post con respuestas a muchas interrogantes

    Muchos se han preguntando qué es un chairo, término que sólo Plaqueta había usado hace unos años y esque ahora es tan popular como wey. Sabes aplicarla, pero nadie sabe su significado al 100%.
    Por eso, para entenderlo mejor, les traigo lo que revela que el chairo ya es un personaje más de la urbe (bueno, siempre ha estado ahí, sólo que ahora ya lo denominan así).

  4. #14
    jen is offline
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    Default Re: chaida, que significa?

    I read all your posts. I'm not at all into ecology. Not much of a hippie, but I ride my bike to work. I asked them today if the meanings I found rang a bell to any of them. They vehemently denied those meanings, both jerk-off and eco-freak.
    They told me today that it means I look sleepy at work sometimes, or spaced out. This makes some sense since I work alot and am often tired.

    I think they were scared I was going to get them in trouble. None of them have papers and they work 16 hour days 6 days a week. They can't afford to lose their jobs...but they swore it didn't mean either of those definitions.

  5. #15
    jen is offline
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    Default Re: chaida, que significa?

    I don't know enough spanish to understand all of vicente's last post, but i understand the part in red.

  6. #16
    jen is offline
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    Default Re: chaida, que significa?

    Thank you for all your help. I'm glad they finally fessed up and told me what 'chaira' meant. It's interesting to see so many different meanings for one little word.

  7. #17
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: chaida, que significa?

    Quote Originally Posted by jen
    I read all your posts. I'm not at all into ecology. Not much of a hippie, but I ride my bike to work. I asked them today if the meanings I found rang a bell to any of them. They vehemently denied those meanings, both jerk-off and eco-freak.
    They told me today that it means I look sleepy at work sometimes, or spaced out. This makes some sense since I work alot and am often tired.

    I think they were scared I was going to get them in trouble. None of them have papers and they work 16 hour days 6 days a week. They can't afford to lose their jobs...but they swore it didn't mean either of those definitions.
    Hi jen!
    Maybe a chaida or chaido has a sleepy look since, according to the .jpg file I posted before, smokes marijauna and looks like gone (you say you usually look sleepy and spaced out, so... maybe). The article says -that's exactly what Vicente mentions- that no one knows 100% what a chaido is. There are so many groups they don't even know themselves

    If they are scared , I think this is your best chance to ask them not to call you names since you already have one given at birth

    Hope it helps jen! Good luck in your job!

  8. #18
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    Default Re: chaida, que significa?

    Quote Originally Posted by jen
    Thank you for all your help. I'm glad they finally fessed up and told me what 'chaira' meant. It's interesting to see so many different meanings for one little word.
    You're welcome jen!

    That's one of the most interesting aspects of this forum. A simple request like yours can end up teaching us all something. It happens all the time!

  9. #19
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    Default Re: chaida, que significa?

    A "chaira" is a tool used to sharpen a knife. In English it is referred to as a "steel." This tool is commonly used in meat packing plants and slaughter houses, and of course by butchers. This is what one looks like, although there are many different shapes and sizes: Wusthof 9" Interrupted Diamond Sharpening Steel / Knife Sharpener, Manual Knife Sharpeners, Cutlery Sets

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