Yes, exactly.Originally Posted by Ezequiel
Yes, exactly.Originally Posted by Ezequiel
That reminds me of when they want to thank you for something and they say "gracias a mil" or "gracias un millon" or "un millon de gracias" (thanks a million times or thanks a thousand times)![]()
This that I'm going to add here may not be of much help, but in Portuguese we have a "saying" which is pretty close from the Spanish one. We don't use "mil" but "cem" (hundred):
"A cem, cento e vinte" (to do something in a rush/in a hurry)
Last edited by Faraó; 11-13-2008 at 05:33 PM.
I hate the sound of "a full" , sounds like Spanglish to me.
Ok, thanks so much for all your help! Good to know I was reading it right by context, but even better to hear the origin. And always helpful to hear another way of saying the same thing (ie: "a full"). So, thank you!![]()
In Italy we use to say the same when we want to describe :
"A lot of.."
"Very fast"
"Without rest"
Is right what you say about the 1000 km/h: expecially when we talk about work, we use to say (for example)
"Hey, how's the work going"
"It's going at 1000"
But now means everything that's too much or really faster.
Dear ones:Originally Posted by GraceReborn
When I saw the title of this thread I thought you would discuss Portuguese. This expression "estou a mil" or "ando a mil" is very Brazilian Portuguese!
And it means the same as in Spanish and English.
From what I've been reading, it looks like most of commentaries match the same result: busy. Someone who is busy, someone who is fully engaged in a sort of multitasking-related life.
In my turf( Honduras), we associate this expression with a person who is either running, leaving a place, driving a car, and so on. But the thing is that this person performs this action by "speeding up", "stepping on it" .. It has nothing to do with "being busy"
Quizá hayas querido poner "gracias mil" pues "gracias a mil" significa que te dan las gracias a toda velocidad.Originally Posted by tapatepe
Comentario en general:
a mil = a toda velocidad
(mil o mil por hora -sin unidades, pues se sobreentiende velocidad-)
a full = a plena capacidad, a máxima capacidad
ambas se confunden con:
a toda máquina = a todo vapor = el máximo de potencia que el sistema permite para lograr la máxima velocidad
El hotel está a full (esta completo)
Estoy trabajando a full (estoy trabajando a máxima capacidad)
Hubo 34° y la playa estaba a full (figuradamente, no había un metro cuadrado de arena o agua baja donde no hubiera una persona)
Estoy a mil (no me detengo un solo momento y hago todo siguiendo un mismo impulso acelerado -simbólico, no físico-)
Pasó la señal a mil (claramente no aminoró la velocidad ante el semáforo)
Los ladrones huyeron a mil (se largaron tan rápido como pudieron)
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