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Thread: Spanish Words that mean different things in different Spanish countries.

  1. #1
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    Smile Spanish Words that mean different things in different Spanish countries.


    I'm trying get a collection of Spanish words that have a completely different meaning depending on the location of the world you're at (slang definitions are are also OK. But, the words have to be used in two different countries -cities- and must have a separate meaning in each). Any words you might know and the definitions between one country over the other would be very helpful.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Spanish Words that mean different things in different Spanish countries.

    Hi, I´ve got one for you, the verb "coger" means to hold in spain and other parts of latin America but in Argentina it is also a slang word meaning to have intercourse.

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    Default Re: Spanish Words that mean different things in different Spanish countries.

    Sure. I first heard this in Miami where there is a large community of Cubans, as you may know. For them, Cubans, una guagua is a bus and in Chile apparently it´s a baby.

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    Default Re: Spanish Words that mean different things in different Spanish countries.

    I just thought of another one.
    As far as I know in Ecuador, Venezuela and Colombia, and I´m almost certain in other countries as well... Torta means cake, but in Mexico it´s a sandwich.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Spanish Words that mean different things in different Spanish countries.

    Pendejo en México = Asshole; en Argentina = niño

    Mi abuelo (Francisco J. Santamaría) escribió el Diccionario General de Americanismos, la obra está separada en 3 tomos; básicamente considera un americanismo aquélla voz traída del Castellano (de España) cuyo significado cambió en el continente Americano; el otro criterio es precisamente el cambio de significado de país a país en el continente. También provee los varios significados de esas voces en más de dos países.
    Se imprimió por última vez en los 80' si mal no recuerdo y no se ha vuelto a tirar otra impresión pues ese tipo de diccionario no es el que la mayoría de la gente desee tener, de manera que se vuelve no redituable para la casa editorial.
    También escribió el Diccionario de Mejicanismos -que edita Porrúa, en México-. Ahí también puedes encotrar otro buen tanto de términos cuyo significado varía.
    Me atrevo a pensar que puedes encotrar algo en la red.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Spanish Words that mean different things in different Spanish countries.

    Thanks for the reply's!

  7. #7
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Spanish Words that mean different things in different Spanish countries.

    Another one : mona (a female monkey)

    In Spain : pretty girl

    In Venezuela it means a conceited girl

    I Colombia it means a blond girl

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  8. #8
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: Spanish Words that mean different things in different Spanish countries.

    Quote Originally Posted by fernandar
    I just thought of another one.
    As far as I know in Ecuador, Venezuela and Colombia, and I´m almost certain in other countries as well... Torta means cake, but in Mexico it´s a sandwich.
    In Argentina "torta" is "cake", but also a l-e-s-b-i-a-n is called "torta" or "tortillera"

  9. #9
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    Default Re: Spanish Words that mean different things in different Spanish countries.

    torta" is a l-e-s-b-i-a-n is called "torta" or "tortillera".
    the same here, mem. There is also a pastry, not a cake, called tortica

    and pendejo is a pubic hair.

    sorry, but all I can think of right now are banned words. I'll try to come back with more.
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  10. #10
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    Default Re: Spanish Words that mean different things in different Spanish countries.

    In Costa Rica
    A torta is a problem, something embarrassing. Yes, it can also be a pastry too.

    A pendejo is a coward.

    Someone who is "pinche" is stingy, a tightwad. It is completely unrelated to the Mexican "pinche".

    People can "coger" a bus without having *** with it. All they need to do is catch it.

    A bus is never a "camión" as in Mexico, but even a big ónibusbus can be a "buseta". (In Colombia a "buseta" is a small bus, smaller than a normal bus but larger than a van or "combi/micro".) Don't use this word in Brazil.

    If a child is "chingo", he doesn't have his clothes on. If your pants are "chingos", they are too short for you. If someone says "Chingo de sombrero", they like your hat. There is no connection between the Costa Rican "chingo" and the Mexican "chingar".

    A Costa Rican "chivo" is a man supported by his woman/women. A Colombian or Panamanian "chiva" is a party bus. The seats are often removed to permit dancing and boozing as the bus careens around the city.

    Costa Ricans love to shorten words or expressions.
    A reu is a reunión, porfa is por favor, porsiaca is por si acaso, estoica is "I need to go to the bathroom right now. This very minute! Get the hell out of my way."

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