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Thread: truth claim

  1. #11
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    Default Re: truth claim

    Wow, look at it! I came here to have some help for my translation and I am learning a lot. Nice forum. Your comments I praise so much, despite both of you seem quarreling. Thanx for them. Regarding Truth claims, the former issue of the thread, I have to say it is not in a religious context; I am translating chapter 4 of the book Critical Applied Linguistics, by Alastair Pennycook; I think the studies of this enticing approach is context enough, and you seem to know what you talk about, so if you give me a hand (I'm not pretty sure if that expression means the same in English) I do appreciate it.

    And Old

  2. #12
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    Default Re: truth claim

    Quote Originally Posted by Cotty View Post
    Vicente, my reply wasn't directly to you, but to Andrés because he happened to ask me in his post.

    You are entitled to disagree with me at any time. An I, in turn, can also disagree with you. However, I never said your suggestions were not acceptable. I just gave my two cents too. I don't need to be a native speaker to know certain things, nor do I think native speakers are right all the time just because they are NSs. I don't know what a LOT of years means to you, in my case I have been speaking English for over 30 years, and have been teaching it for 25, if that is not a LOT, I don't know what is. I would not use fix the way Andrés used it, period.

    Don't know why you are being so deffensive. I am entitled to my own opinion and I never said you were flat out wrong.

    We can infer that he has a problem with the terminology of his translation, but he never explicitly mentioned the word problem, therefore, we cannot assume that the referent (antecedent) of it in ...I am going to reckon it and to see whether it fixes or not. is a problem but rather the concept provided by Falcor.

    The issue here is not all the possible uses of fix (or reckon for that matter) in the English language, but whether it was appropriate in Andrés's sentence or not.

    The word is defensive...not deffensive

    And the issue is to help Andres translate truth claim so let's get back on topic.

  3. #13
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    ...despite both of you seem quarreling.
    Andrés, quarreling is not what we are doing here. We are exchanging ideas and views because we like it and because that's how you learn. Vicente and I go way back before you showed up here, and we have been getting along just fine. So, we are certainly not going to fight over this.

    Thanx for them. Regarding Truth claims, the former issue of the thread, I have to say it is not in a religious context; I am translating chapter 4 of the book Critical Applied Linguistics, by Alastair Pennycook; I think the studies of this enticing approach is context enough, and you seem to know what you talk about, so if you give me a hand (I'm not pretty sure if that expression means the same in English) I do appreciate it.
    You placed this topic in English Linguistics too, and we gave you our opinion on the matter there. Perhaps you should post the same topic in one forum only.

    The word is defensive...not deffensive
    Ty, ty ,ty...you should have seen it when I first wrote it, I had put deffenssive

    And the issue is to help Andres translate truth claim so let's get back on topic.
    Threads are dynamic and take a form of their own –they are alive so to speak. The overall issue here is to analyze words and how they are used.

    Saludos mis queridos amigos
    Last edited by Cotty; 03-23-2011 at 09:42 AM.

  4. #14
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    Threads are dynamic and take a form of their own –they are alive so to speak. The overall issue here is to analyze words and how they are used.

    You're right, of course Cotty.

    For today let's analyze the conjugation of the verb afixin' to. I'm afixin' to; yer afixin' to; he's afixin' to; they're........

    OK, I'm just joking.

    Someday we should discuss how knowing Spanish can affect your English spelling when you are dealing with similar words. (possible and function come to mind. I often incorrectly write them in English as posible and funcion (and I don't blame my age!!).

  5. #15
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: truth claim

    For today let's analyze the conjugation of the verb afixin' to. I'm afixin' to; yer afixin' to; he's afixin' to; they're.......
    Hehe cute! Thou afixest to?
    Someday we should discuss how knowing Spanish can affect your English spelling when you are dealing with similar words. (possible and function come to mind. I often incorrectly write them in English as posible and funcion (and I don't blame my age!!).
    As you can tell, I'm up for discussion any time of the day, just tell me when and where

    Those words you are referring to are called cognates, and always present problems in either language, both lexical and morphological. My students of Spanish often say contracto for contrato.

  6. #16
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    Default Re: truth claim

    Nice chat; anyhow, I'd really appreciate if this focuses on the issue of Truth Claim; It's just I'm runing out of time

  7. #17
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    Abdres, you might want to keep in mind that this is a forum for professional translators...not a forum for free translations.

    If a request for a translattion is posted here we usually try to help but no member is under any obligation to translate it.

    As Cotty said, you placed this topic in English Linguistics and we've tried to help you. So, if what we gave you doesn't resolve the issue for you and you are in a hurry perhaps you should find another source that can give you the quick answer you need; otherwise, you might have to wait until another member joins the discussion and offers an opinion.

  8. #18
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    Default Re: truth claim

    Ok, no prob, but at least don't post things which are completely out of context, you know, I recieve mails of replies and then I wonder what comments I've just got, but it has nught to do butwith two good friends having a conversation. You are not under any obligation, I know perfectly that, but other users that probably are in a similar situation and that take a look to this forum might be discouraged of just finding the record of a conversation. At length, this is just a tool, and you should consider your words before establishing judices about the quality of the translation work of new members. REmember, we are never complete, always open to help, and of course to critique. I am deeply sorry for having abused of your PRO translation service, but let's give this its proper use, rite?!
    Last edited by And Old; 03-24-2011 at 02:27 AM.

  9. #19
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    Default Re: truth claim

    Quote Originally Posted by And Old View Post
    Ok, no prob, but at least don't post things which are completely out of context, you know, I recieve mails of replies and then I wonder what comments I've just got, but it has nught to do butwith two good friends having a conversation. You are not under any obligation, I know perfectly that, but other users that probably are in a similar situation and that take a look to this forum might be discouraged of just finding the record of a conversation. At length, this is just a tool, and you should consider your words before establishing judices about the quality of the translation work of new members. REmember, we are never complete, always open to help, and of course to critique. I am deeply sorry for having for abusing of your PRO translation service, but let's give this its proper use, rite?!
    I'm sorry, I'm having a little trouble understanding your English but I understand that you are unhappy with the dynamic nature of the threads created here. I regret that we didn't measure up to your expectations and I appreciate your suggestions; however, there is no reason for us to change what we have been doing for years.

    And as I mentioned, this is not a translation service but please feel free to continue posting and join the discussions.
    Last edited by vicente; 03-24-2011 at 10:36 AM.

  10. #20
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Wow! Human nature never ceases to amaze me, but this is outrageous to say the least. I am having a little trouble finding the right words to address this since I'm still flabbergasted.

    ...to do butwith two good friends having a conversation.
    The "conversation" was about your use (or misuse) of reckon and fix. Vicente and I know what reckon and fix mean and how to use them correctly. The whole exchange was to help you for God's sake.

    You are not under any obligation, I know perfectly that,
    You got that right! Yet, we did give you our time and expertise —for which we charge outside this forum, and still you are not content and have an attitude problem.

    At length, this is just a tool, and you should consider your words before establishing judices about the quality of the translation work of new members.
    No one judged you, if that's what you mean(?). We just tried to help you and in return you show no gratitude whatsoever.

    REmember, we are never complete, always open to help, and of course to critique. I am deeply sorry for having abused of your PRO translation service, but let's give this its proper use, rite?!
    Let me remind you (inform you?) that a forum is the equivalent of an oral discussion in person in which people sometimes go off track for a minute, but that doesn't mean they forget the subject in hand. The protocol of courtesy of such exchanges also applies here and trying to maintain a good relationship with your peers is of utmost importance.
    I'm sorry I'm not as kind as Vicente and have very little patience with comments like yours. I think that instead of criticizing us, you should use your time wisely and brush up on your English lexicon. It will do you good.
    Last edited by Cotty; 03-24-2011 at 09:54 PM.

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