Venezuelan Spanish is well known for a variety of sayings among it's slang, here are some of them:
Get down of the mule (Bajate de la mula) / Give me the money
At the time of the tea (A la hora del té) / The time of truth
Eagle doesn't hunt flies (Aguila no casa mosca) / It is used when you want to rest importance to a fact or a person
Goat that turns around breaks it's neck (Chivo que se devuelve se desnuca) / It is used when someone makes a decision and suddenly repents
Better knows the devil because is old than because is the devil (Más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo) / It makes reference to wisdom is better acquired with age.
To have god's beard hold (Tener a dios agarrado por la barba) / It refers to someone who believes that is better than everybody else when obviously is not.