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Thread: Colombian spanish and it's dialects

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Colombian spanish and it's dialects

    Didyou know that colombian spanish is a grouping of the varieties ofspanish spoken in Colombia? among them are the dialects:

    Paisa,Rolo or Bogotá dialect, Cundiboyaquense, Caribbean, Valluno, Andean,Opita, Santanderean, Llanero, Chocó and Island dialect.

    Inthem you can find several unique slang words such as:

    • abrirse ("to split up"): to leave.
    • barra (“gold bar"): one thousand Colombian pesos.
    • caliente ("hot"): dangerous.
    • chino: (from the Chibcha for child"): child..
    • comerse a alguien ("to eat somebody"): to have ***.
    • fresco ("fresh"): "Be cool!"
    • gonorriento: worst of the worst person (considered low-class).
    • llave ("key"): friend (considered low-class)
    • marica ("faggot"): a term of endearment used among friends. Depending on the tone of voice, it can be understood as an insult. Maricón is a harsher, less-friendly variant.
    • paquete ("package"): one million Colombian pesos, also used as an insult.
    • plata ("silver"): money.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Colombian spanish and it's dialects

    Algunas coincidencias con en slang Argentino son: abrirse, comerse a alguien, plata (éste último creo que se usa en toda Latinoamérica).

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Colombian spanish and it's dialects

    Casualmente en algunas partes de Colombia también utilizan el Vos y los acentos como en Argentina "Hacés, tomás, etc", lo de la plata me parece que es en toda la Latinoamérica hispanoparlante, estoy deacuerdo.

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