Dear Spanish translators,
Could you please tell me if "e hielo" is the correct way to say it?
I mean, sould I say "y hielo" o "e hielo"??
Thank you in advance,
Dear Spanish translators,
Could you please tell me if "e hielo" is the correct way to say it?
I mean, sould I say "y hielo" o "e hielo"??
Thank you in advance,
Hello. I believe there's a rule that states that before a word that starts with "hi-", you have to use "y".
You can hear it all the time on TV when they advertise wonderful food for you with "vitaminas y hierro", no one says "vitaminas e hierro".![]()
Yes, I´d definitely say "y hielo" ...
In Butt and Benjamin's A NEw Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish (23.7) it reads:
[...] it is written and pronounced e before a word beginning with a pure i sound, e.g. Miguel e Ignacio, padre e hijos, but not before words beginning with a y sound: carbón y hierro, etc., and not always at the head of a sentence: ¿Y Ignacio?
Hope it helps,
Debes usar "y" hielo, no "e" hielo.
Entiendo que la regla es que "y" toma la forma "e" ante palabras que empiezan por el sonido /i/ como por ejemplo: aguja e hilo, linda e irresistible![]()
Pero, cuando al sonido /i/ le sigue una vocal con la que forma diptongo como es el caso de hielo o hierro se debe usar "y" y no "e". En otras palabras, es una excepción a la regla.
Espero sirva....![]()
Thank you all of you for your help!!![]()
Originally Posted by Mariana B
Excellent work! una excepción a la regla, yo no tenía idea.
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