Hi, I am trying to remember the linguistic morphological term that has to do with cutting off part of a word. A good example is cutting off part of "television" to form "tele". What is that process called again? Thanks!
Hi, I am trying to remember the linguistic morphological term that has to do with cutting off part of a word. A good example is cutting off part of "television" to form "tele". What is that process called again? Thanks!
Could this be the term? It essentially means what you are describing, though I don't know if it's used in linguistics as well.
What about "suffixation" and "prefixation"?
Last edited by Nadia D; 11-14-2006 at 06:46 PM.
How about "apocope"?
This means to loose letters, o part of the word at the end.
Yes that is the right oneOriginally Posted by Veronica
is not affixation.... because if you remove an affix or a suffix you change the meaning of the word...this is more a phonetic phenomena
how do you call it in english???...don't remember
by the way cortamiento doesn't exist..
Last edited by Pablohz; 06-08-2008 at 12:28 AM.
I totally agree with Verónica...It's apocope..., also metaplasmo.![]()
Sí, yo aprendí apócope para abreviaciones de palabras y, en casos así, acortamiento es el término oficial.
"Acortamiento" o "clipping".
Una palabra ve reducido su significante reteniendo siempre su significado y la misma categoría gramatical. Se usa en términos familiares, coloquiales.
bici, taxi, foto, cine, tele, etc.
Llegué un poco tarde con la ayuda...![]()
Main Entry: apoc·o·pe
Pronunciation: \ə-ˈpä-kə-(ˌ)pē\
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Latin, from Greek apokopē, literally, cutting off, from apokoptein to cut off, from apo- + koptein to cut — more at capon
Date: circa 1550
: the loss of one or more sounds or letters at the end of a word (as in sing from Old English singan)
Last edited by mariaklec; 04-17-2009 at 11:15 AM.
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