I already contacted her by private message and I am waiting her answer.
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I already contacted her by private message and I am waiting her answer.
Hi IUS and Vicente, thanks for your help.
I am sorry I have to answer here, but I don't have rep enough to send a private message, I can't even answer one.
My email address is the one you sent me , IUS. Vicente, I thought you had that same account, hmmm, I wonder, one of my accounts was hacked some time ago, but that was a hotmail account.
IUS, the gmail account works, actually, as I am a mod, I sent a message to you (??) from that account, because you sent me a note to confirm my mod functions.
anyway, I didn't get an answer, as this was years ago, the account may have changed. :confused:
thanks .
The email I have is the Hotmail one from years ago and it doesn't work..
Try emailing me at [email protected]
Hi Vicente, did you get my message ? I sent you a mail last night, I probably ended up in spam (?).
You're right. It went to spam. I have answered you.
Hi IUS; my mail is working fine, please let me know something about the problem and how you are solving it, thanks. I don't know what happened with the mail, I tried to log in with that mail, of course, so no idea. I also mentioned : forgot password...but wasn't sent a new password for some reason.
Just to make sure, I tried again, right now. I introduced my email, the one you have, and no new password is sent, no idea why not. :confused:
Thanks a lot for your help, both Vicente and Ariel, I am back :cool: