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Thread: INI files and Trados 2009

  1. #1
    Senior Member mvictoria's Avatar
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    Default INI files and Trados 2009

    Does anyone know if we still need tagsettings "INI" files for Trados 2009? If not, how do we tell Trados what's translatable and what's not? I'm particularly interested in how Trados 2009 reads "metatags" and other parameters often hidden in regular xml or html files.


  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: INI files and Trados 2009

    Studio does not work with INI files anymore, it uses File Types instead.

    However, you can create a customer or project specific file type from an existing INI for XML type documents. You do this by going to the Project Settings, then to File Types. Click on NEW, select 'XML', type a name for the file type, click 'Next', and in the next window, select "Define settings based on INI, ANL, XML, ..." and point to the INI file you receive

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