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Thread: What is the right order to install TRADOS SDL and Multiterm?

  1. #1
    Moderator eidjit's Avatar
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    Default What is the right order to install TRADOS SDL and Multiterm?

    Being in IT Support in the translating services, a common problem arrives when installing from scratch the TRADOS SDL and the Multiterm.

    What is the right order?

    After downloading both products,

    First check that you have the Office products installed and updated.

    Then install:
    1. TRADOS SUITE 2007 (for example)
    2. Studio 2009
    3. Multiterm 2009

    To install:
    Right Clic the choose "Run as administrator". On each and every one
    Administrator rights are needed.

    To be noted:
    - There are 2 licenses in "My account" at the SDL website.
    Upon licensing be careful with the Copy/Paste the right license. (One is for 2007 and the other is for Studio, that covers Multiterm).
    If you have the Freelance Plus license you'll have a third one for the Autosuggest, that will be needed for the Autosuggest Dictionaries
    - On the first run of STUDIO the five main languages have to be chosen, careful on this, is hard to change later

    ---------------------------- EN ESPAÑOL -----------------

    ¿Cuál es el órden correcto para instalar primero?

    Primero es conveniente tener los productos de Office instalados y actualizados

    Luego instalar:

    1. Trados Suite 2007 (Por ejemplo)
    2. Studio 2009
    3. Multiterm 2009

    Para instalar,
    Clic en el botón derecho del ratón y después en "ejecutar como administrador".
    Necesitas tener derechos de administrador para hacerlo.

    A tener en cuenta:
    - Tienes 2 licencias en "My account" en la página de SDL.
    Cuando actives los programas ten cuidado de copiar y pegar la licencia que corresponde
    (una es para 2007 y la otra es para Studio y cubre Multiterm).
    Si tienes la versión Freelance Plus tendrás una 3er licencia para Autosuggest que tendrás que activar para crear diccionarios Autosuggest.

    - Al arrancar Studio para primera vez tienes que seleccionar los idiomas que vas a usar (máximo 5).
    Elegir bien, porque después es complicado cambiarlos.
    Last edited by eidjit; 01-05-2018 at 05:16 PM. Reason: Wrong info

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: What is the right order to install TRADOS SDL and Multiterm?

    OMG! One of the most unfriendly things about SDL/Trados is all that has to do with the setup. So much so, that I decided to leave my old laptop exclusively to keep the app running after so many udpates and bug-fixing downloadings. Unfortunately, whenever I travel for work it makes me go nuts when I need to go through all security checkpoints carrying two separate laptops.

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