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Thread: Glosario En Multiterm

  1. #1
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    Default Glosario En Multiterm

    Necesito crear un glosario en Multiterm y seguir alimentandolo con nuevos términos. Después deseo pasarlo a Word para imprimirlo.
    ¿Alguien me podrá dar una mano?
    Gracias de antemano!

  2. #2
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: Glosario En Multiterm

    Hope this info helps!

    Trados MultiTerm 7 instructions

    "Termbase" is the basic concept in MultiTerm: the platform where you can view and edit glossaries.
    As a general rule, you only need to create ONE termbase for each end-client. Once that is done, you use the same termbase for all future glossaries the client sends: you just update it with the latest term entries.
    These instructions complement the MultiTerm iX Quick Start Guide, which is under
    G:\!\MultiTerm ix Quick Start, and give you additional instructions on you how to set up MultiTerm glossaries.

    Further Help
    Further help is available from the Help menu within MultiTerm, but there are two further sources of help you may not be aware of. Firstly, from the Start menu on your computer, if you look under All Programs > TRADOS MultiTerm 7 > Tutorials, you will find a MultiTerm Tutorial. Secondly, for more detailed information, under Start > All Programs > Trados MultiTerm 7 > Documentation, there is the full Trados MultiTerm User Guide.
    File Types
    There are four types of file you might receive from the client:
    .xdt: termbase definition file; see Creating a Termbase.
    .xml: xml glossary, which can be imported into a termbase (see below).
    .mdb: the actual termbase itself, containing both structure and data.
    .xdp: termbase project file. Can be ignored completely.
    Getting Started
    To use MultiTerm, you need to do either
    Create a termbase (Termbase > Create Termbase…) or Load an external termbase (Termbase > Load External Termbase…).
    Once you have done either of these, the termbase becomes a ‘local’ termbase (for local people) and it can be subsequently opened and closed by selecting it or deselecting it in the dialog box under Termbase > Open/Close Termbases….

    1. Creating a termbase
    Creating a termbase involves two steps: defining its structure, then adding its data.
    Defining the structure
    There are two ways to define the structure:
    Using the Termbase Wizard:
    Please see the above-mentioned Quick Start Guide for instructions on how to create a termbase. These instructions have been written for the version of MultiTerm that shipped with Trados 6.0 or 6.5, so the button names might be somewhat different. Ask Raisa for help.
    Using a termbase definition file (.xdt file):
    An .xdt file contains definitions (language pairs, fields etc.) for a new termbase.
    If the client sends you an .xdt file and you don't have an existing termbase for that end-client, follow the instructions in the MultiTerm Quick Guide (in '
    G:\!\MultiTerm ix Quick Start') on how to create a new termbase.
    Once you have created and named the termbase, import glossary entries from .xml, see XML instructions below.
    If you receive an .xdt file from the client, but already have a termbase for that end-client, you can ignore the .xdt file. Open the termbase from Termbase / Open/Close Termbase. Choose the correct termbase, click OK. Import the latest glossary entries from .xml, see XML instructions below.

    Importing the data
    In either of these cases, what you are doing is just defining the structure of the termbase. The next step is to add glossary entries to it. The most common way to do this is to import the entries from a file, typically an XML file provided by the client.
    An .xml file contains term entries that you can import in an existing termbase.
    If you already have in the past created a termbase for i.e. Panasonic, you can continue to use that without having to create a new termbase every time the client sends a new glossary.
    1. Open the termbase from Termbase / Open/Close Termbase. Choose the correct termbase, click OK.
    2. Import the latest entries from Termbase / Import entries. See G:\!\MultiTerm ix Quick Start for instructions on how to do this (starting from Step 7 on page 5). NOTE: if you do the import correctly but it won't import any entries ('0 entries processed'), try again but this time click the Fast import box in Step 2 of 8.
    3. Choose your language pair.
    2. Loading an external termbase
    Occasionally a client may provide an MDB file, which can be used as a termbase in its own right:
    1. Load the .mdb termbase from Termbase / Load External Termbase. Browse to the correct location, give the termbase a name (different from any existing termbases)
    2. Answer "No" when prompted to delete the .MDB file.
    3. Open the termbase from Termbase / Open/Close Termbase. Choose the correct termbase, click OK.
    4. Choose your language pair.
    Last edited by mem286; 06-21-2009 at 07:09 PM.

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