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I'm using Trados 2009 for a while, and i should warn you, it changes a lot since Trados 2007...
First of all, forget about all trados applications (like TagEditor, WinAlign, etc). Now are all included in his new interface, which is very handy and has a lot of tools that help you with the translation.
Other big change, is the implementation of Translation standards like ".xliff" instead of ".ttx" files and ".tbx" for Term Base. This feature allows translator to edit Trados files using any other CAT Tool, which is great for those how can't afford the Studio.
Following the industry direction, it also have support for Machine Translations, but only with freetranslations.com service (Trados 2007 suite SP3 has a BETA of this feature and also works with Google Translator Toolkit)
One of it's new improvements is that Trados 2009 now works with PDF files directly, saving us a lot of time in convertions from PDF to DOC.
Over the internet it's available some version, if you like to give it a try ;D
BTW, SDL support still sucks... Why they don't invest in support capacitation??? maybe is time to try other CAT tool like OmegaT...
Hope it helps!
P.S: Sorry about my english...