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Thread: How to Translate AutoCAD with Wordfast

  1. #1
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    Default How to Translate AutoCAD with Wordfast

    Dear Colleagues,

    There is an interesting tool that helps you to translate AutoCAD DXF drawings (versions 2000-2007).

    It is a shareware tool called TranslateCAD. You need to get a license, but it has a nice user interfase and offers technical support.

    The trial version works well for drawings with 50 words or less (even if the drawing is a big file).

    It fully supports Unicode to facilitate the translation of any language.
    Since it generates a small text file, you may use with any CAT tool (Trados, Wordfast, DejaVu, SDLX, MetaTexis, etc.).

    I hope it helps!
    Last edited by picus; 09-19-2008 at 01:50 PM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: How to Translate AutoCAD with Wordfast

    So, let´s say, you upload the Cad file, and then you get a txt file?
    and does it work the same way backwards? once I get the translation in txt file, I can import that text into the autocad file?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: How to Translate AutoCAD with Wordfast

    I have the trial version now.
    This is what I did, you tell me if I missed something.
    I picked a dwg file, and I opened it with Autocad and save it as dxf.
    I open this dxf file with this program, and then I get 2 txt files. (one is a kind of log? and the other is the text to translate).
    Now, I can save that txt as an rtf file, or is that ok if I open that txt file in tag editor? (which trados opens this txt directly??)
    Once I have the txt back translated, I did the same process backwards.

    is this ok?
    does anyone have the licensed version? is it worth buying it?

  4. #4
    Senior Member Veronica's Avatar
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    Default Re: How to Translate AutoCAD with Wordfast

    Hi everyone!!

    I also downloaded the trial and tested it with a drawing and worked pretty good.

    Also, I imported a "more than 50 word" txt and it worked! I think the constrain is only for exporting

  5. #5
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    Default Re: How to Translate AutoCAD with Wordfast

    ah,so you mean you could import more than 50 words with the trial version, but you can only keep it to 50 word to export...
    that´s good to know too...

    anybody else has tried it?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: How to Translate AutoCAD with Wordfast

    I re-float this thread as I know one of my colleagues in the forum was looking for some information on this application.
    I own a license for this TranslateCad and it usually works out pretty good. You need to be very careful not to touch/delete any of the code created when exporting DGWs into DXFs and then into TXT (the "trans-1" file, actually the only one bearing any translatable text). TXT files are opened as Excel or MS Word files and processed through TagEditor or Workbench.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: How to Translate AutoCAD with Wordfast

    Here goes an example of what it looks like when you open the file with MS Word (ready to be processed with Workbench)... Remember that all translatable text is included within the trans-1 *.txt file.
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  8. #8
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    Default Re: How to Translate AutoCAD with Wordfast

    Here goes an example of what it looks like when you open the file with Excel and you can process it with TagEditor...
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  9. #9
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    Default Re: How to Translate AutoCAD with Wordfast

    And here is the original trans-1 file in TXT and opened with Notepad. Don't even try to open the trans-2 one because it has chunks of code that does not need translation but which is mandatory to rebuild the AutoCad files for the target language...
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  10. #10
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    Default Re: How to Translate AutoCAD with Wordfast

    Hi, Gentle, Finally!!! ... i'm using the application right now and i find that some texts are in different tags instead of being in just one. Any ideas on how to fix this?

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