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Thread: Any better suggestions

  1. #1
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    Default Any better suggestions

    Hi, dear fellows! Is my Spanish to English construction correct?

    It is not secret that 2009 was a difficult year, but today we can say that C&K Corporation went through it with success, despite all the political and social problems of the country as evidenced in our area of business with the expropriation of the VIP Center at downtown in Britton district.

    Thank you for your help.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Any better suggestions

    It is no secret that 2009 was a difficult year, but today we can say that C&K Corporation went through it with success, despite all the political and social problems of the country, as evidenced in our area of business with the expropriation of the VIP Center downtown in (the) Britton district (or, in the downtown Britton district)

    Without the Spanish version for comparison, overall it sounds very good!

    Though tecnically correct... "It is not secret that..." is usually said or written as..."it is no secret that..." (in U.S. English).

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Any better suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by vicente

    Without the Spanish version for comparison, overall it sounds very good!

    Though tecnically correct... "It is not secret that..." is usually said or written as..."it is no secret that..." (in U.S. English).
    Vincent, thank you so much for your kind help.

    Perhaps you will be willing to check for me my English construction of the following sentences. If it is too much asking, please excuse me and forget
    it about. In any event, I appreciate your help with the first sentence above. I am Spanish and I am in doubt if I have made a good translation.

    This situation should be studied in parallel with the difficult economic circumstance(s?)experienced and that we /actually/presently?) live in our country, so that we can evaluate with reasonable accuracy how good it was the performance of the Company during the year.

    In this context we should remember that after the fall of oil prices between November 2008 and April 2009—which brought them down to US$ 31.00 per barrel, May indicator began recovery that reached out the value at USD 68.00 per barrel. However, in perspective (viewed in perspective?), the truth is that oil prices suffered a decline of 34.32% in 2009 compared to 2008, since the average price of the latter was calculated at USD 86.81 per barrel, while the price of the subsequent one was calculated at USD 57.02 per barrel.

    In terms of GDP (as regards the GDP?), after 21 consecutive quarters of positive variations that represented a five-year period of rising prices, the indicator marked negative during the II, III, and IV quarters of 2009. The result was a GDP decrease of 3.3% against 4.8% growth it had registered the previous year.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Any better suggestions

    You are very welcome.

    This situation should be studied in parallel with the difficult economic circumstances experienced and that we presently live in, in our country, so that we can evaluate with reasonable accuracy how good the performance of the Company was during the year.

    In this context we should remember that after the fall of oil prices between November 2008 and April 2009—which brought them down to US $31.00 per barrel, the May indicator began a recovery that raised (or, extended ) the value (or, price) to USD 68.00 per barrel; however, when viewed in perspective, the truth is that oil prices suffered a decline of 34.32% in 2009 compared to 2008, since the average price of the latter was calculated at USD 86.81 per barrel, while the price of the subsequent one was calculated at USD 57.02 per barrel.

    In terms of GDP (as regards the GDP? either choice is correct ), after 21 consecutive quarters of positive variations that represented a five-year period of rising prices, the indicator marked (or showed) negative during the II, III, and IV quarters of 2009. The result was a GDP decrease of 3.3% against the 4.8% growth it had registered the previous year.

    Overall, very well done, Helsinki.


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Any better suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by vicente
    You are very welcome.

    Overall, very well done, Helsinki.

    You have no idea how grateful I am for your taking your ?timeto look into my English construction/translation. I am having a hard time trying to translate a very long President Letter to Shareholders for I wanted ?to prove to myself that with determination, with my scarse English background, and with some help, I can do so.

    Right now I am working on the second page of the letter.

    Kind regards,

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Any better suggestions

    I am pleased to be of help to you.

    If you like, when you have completed the letter you can email it to me at [email protected] and I will proofread it for you...or you can email it page by page, whichever suits you best.


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Any better suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by vicente
    I am pleased to be of help to you.

    If you like, when you have completed the letter you can email it to me at [email protected] and I will proofread it for you...or you can email it page by page, whichever suits you best.

    Thank you, Vicente.

    I'll do so. Would it be all right if I email it to you page by page? I will be
    happy to reciprocate your kind help if with any commercial English to Spanish translation (not too technical).

    Atentos saludos.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Any better suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by Helsinki
    Thank you, Vicente.

    I'll do so. Would it be all right if I email it to you page by page? I will be
    happy to reciprocate your kind help if with any commercial English to Spanish translation (not too technical).

    Atentos saludos.
    Claro que si Helsinki, send it page by page. Don't worry about reciprocation, tal vez algun dia you will buy me a beer.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Any better suggestions

    Hi, dear fellows! Is my Spanish to English construction correct?

    It is not secret that 2009 was a difficult year, but today we can say that C&K Corporation went through it with success, despite all the political and social problems of the country as evidenced in our area of business with the expropriation of the VIP Center at downtown in Britton district.

    Last edited by vicente; 11-10-2010 at 11:08 PM. Reason: spam...advertising

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Any better suggestions

    Sorry evelyn, but no advertising links are allowed and your copying of the original post is a little transparent.

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