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Thread: Traducción de "feature"

  1. #1
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Traducción de "feature"

    Este es el contexto:

    Prior to excavation it was unclear if these areas were very large roasting features, trash middens, or structures of melted adobe and stone. A trench .5 by 4 m was excavated north south through the feature, but did not extend beyond its borders in either direction. The feature was excavated in .10 m levels to a total depth of approximately .37 mbgs (Figure 31 and 32).

    ¿Cómo traducirían "feature"?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Traducción de "feature"

    Hi Reminder. Do you have more information about the type of construction project? What are they building? Could it be a landscaping project?

    "very large roasting features, trash middens, or structures of melted adobe and stone" apparently refer to small hills or "landforms". (I have no idea what a "roasting feature is")

    "A trench .5 by 4 m was excavated north south through the feature, but did not extend beyond its borders in either direction. The feature was excavated in .10 m levels..." suggests that maybe they're building a "water feature".

    In landscape architecture and garden design, a water feature is one or more items from a range of fountains, pools, ponds, cascades, waterfalls, and streams.

    If it is not a landscaping project I'd say that the features are small hills.
    Last edited by vicente; 03-10-2016 at 12:57 PM.

  3. #3
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Traducción de "feature"

    Thank you, Vicente, for your quick answer!

    I have plenty of information about this translation. First, it is not a construction project, no building is implied.

    This is the title:

    Excavation Report and Report of Specialized Exported Materials Analyses, by a university professor with his team

    "Feature" is used for every single "thing" (as diverse as that) that the team records in detail. Sometimes the "feature" is a distinctive area and, some other times, it is an object, probably used over five centuries ago.

    More context:

    One of these sherds was dated by luminescence and provides the age estimation of the structure at 1260 +/1 100 (2 sigma). The floor appeared to be unprepared, and no internal features were identified. As with Feature 1, there was almost no indication of construction material aside from the half buried foundation stones visible on the surface. Artifact densities were reasonably high in relation to the overall project, but sparse compared to Feature 1.
    Last edited by reminder; 03-11-2016 at 10:52 AM.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Traducción de "feature"

    Ah OK, this was an archaeological excavation and the features are the peculiarities of the site. In this case it is easy to use "feature" for everything because it is an all-encompassing word; e.g., "facial features" includes everything on the face...eyes, ears, nose, mouth, complexion, moles, freckles, scars...literally everything. Instead of using a single Spanish word to make your translation sound right you might need to use different Spanish words to translate "features". It wouldn't alter the context if you did.

    For instance: Peculiaridad y/o caracteristica especial.

    One of these sherds was dated by luminescence and provides the age estimation of the structure at 1260 +/1 100 (2 sigma). The floor appeared to be unprepared, and no internal features (caracteristicas especiales) were identified. As with Feature 1 (peculiaridad 1), there was almost no indication of construction material aside from the half buried foundation stones visible on the surface. Artifact densities were reasonably high in relation to the overall project, but sparse compared to Feature 1.

    Que opinas?
    Last edited by vicente; 03-11-2016 at 12:24 PM.

  5. #5
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Traducción de "feature"

    feature: a prominent part or characteristic
    Source: Merriam-Webster

    I agree with you on using 2 expressions, like you did in the example above. What about using a more "concrete" noun in Spanish, absolutely related to context? Since we are using 2 expressions in Spanish, the second one could be entirely related to this archaeological excavation. I would keep "features" as "características especiales" and use another expression for "Feature".

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Traducción de "feature"

    That's the idea. What noun in Spanish would fit? I'm trying to think of one... tal vez particularidades (del terreno)
    Last edited by vicente; 03-14-2016 at 10:44 AM.

  7. #7
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Traducción de "feature"

    What about "objeto de estudio"? This whole document is the "estudio". So instead of "punto de interés" or "objeto de análisis", I thought "objeto de estudio" immediately refers to this document.

    It includes soil but also each single and tiny piece found, which also become an "objeto de estudio".

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Traducción de "feature"

    Very good Reminder! Object of study should cover anything being examined.

    You could also use "artefacto" occasionally to break the monotony.

  9. #9
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Traducción de "feature"

    Good suggestion! Thank you!

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