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Thread: Hola, i need your help with translating this from english to spanish please

  1. #1
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    Default Hola, i need your help with translating this from english to spanish please

    Hola a todos, I need your help with the following:

    - Good morning boss, how are you doing? (as in my manager at work)
    * Good morning Lisa, I am fine, and you?
    - I'm good, thank you. I want to ask you when we will receive our pay-check?
    * You will receive it at the end of the month, on the 28th of june to be precise.
    - Ok, do you mind if i go check my balance at the bank (consultar el saldo?)? I hope I have enough money to pay the bill from this week. (ojala que tenga suficiente dinero para pagar el proyecto de ley de esta semana?)
    * Yes go ahead. Could you get some money (sacar dinero?) for the company too? Here is the check, exchange it in money please and change the half of the currency in dollars (cambiar dinero?) so that we can pay our client.
    - Alright I will do that. By the way, do you know how to apply for a credit card?
    * If you go on the website of the local bank, you will see a form that you can fill in and print it out to send it to the bank. I suggest that you ask the employee at the bank for more information.
    - Ah yes I see, it is important (es importante que..?) to ask them for more information so I won't fill the form in wrong. It is very convenient (es conveniente que..? because i am going to the bank right now so i can ask them about this matter too.
    * Indeed, good luck. Be back in half an hour please, because we have to discuss kind of campaign (seportes publicitarios?) we will do for advertising our new product.

    - I just got back, they told me i should fill in the form on the internet and send it to them by mail to apply for a credit card. Oh yes about the campaign, I was thinking (creo que?) tv ads, posters, radio commercials (una anuncio de television, folletos, una cuna de radio?). That way the new product will get a lot of attention from the public.
    * That's a good idea, I agree with you (yo tambien lo veo asi?) that with those advertising tools the new product will get a lot of attention. I will discuss it with another manager to see his opinion.
    - Tomorrow is Hugo's birthday, we should send him a birthday card and congratulate him on behalf of us all, what do you think?
    * Definitely! My birthday was a couple of weeks ago, i have invited you, why didn't you come? What a shame you did not come (que pena que no hayas venido?).
    - I am truly sorry, I would like you to come to my coming birthday and i hope to make it up with you (me gustaria que...?)
    * Ok we will do that, now let's get to work, we have a lot to do!

    The words in the braces are the words i need to use, i have to use sentences with subjuntivo and futuro.

    Thank you in advance!!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Hola, i need your help with translating this from english to spanish please


    Try to do it on your own and we'll help you with the correction!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Hola, i need your help with translating this from english to spanish please


    nevermind i have already translated it by myself. I posted this because i didn't have much time left before i needed it. Thank you anyway

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Hola, i need your help with translating this from english to spanish please

    Great! Why don't you post it anyway so we can make changes or improve if it were necessary?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Hola, i need your help with translating this from english to spanish please

    Sure, this is it but we made it slightly different than the original text, what do you think?

    R: Buenos días S, Que tal? Ya esta bien?
    S: Buenos dias R. Si, muchas gracias. Ya me encuentro bien.
    R: Bueno, me alegro mucho. En que puedo ayudarle?
    S: Ah si, queria informacion para pedir una hipoteca. Yo queria pedir una hipoteca de unos 120 000 euros para comprar un casa.
    R: Bueno. A cuantos anos tenia pensado pagarlo?
    S: Pues entre 8 y 12 anos. Un tipo de interes fijo o variable, que es mejor?
    R: Ah si, Con el fijo siempre va a pagar lo mismo, pero, me la mayoria de los clientes prefiere un tipo de interés variable.
    S: Bueno, tambien queria saber como obtener una tarjeta de credito.
    R: Si vas en el sitio web del banco local, verá un formulario que puede rellenar e imprimirlo para enviarlo al banco. Le sugiero que pida al empleado en el banco para obtener más información.
    S: Ah, sí veo. Pero, mira, he encontrado una web interesante. Que te parece la pagina banco? El site dice que puedo obtener una tarjeta de credito desde el sitio web.
    R: Dejame ver. Ah, mira, aqui tiene el icono que significa que es no una web seguro.
    S: Ah, sí veo. Es importante que pida más información para que yo pueda preguntar acerca de este tema también.

    R: Si, si. Sobre el trabajo; quel tipo de seportes publicitarios que vamos a utilizar para anunciar de nuestro nuevo producto.

    S: Ah, sí acerca de la campaña, creo que podamos utlilizar anuncios de televisión, cartels y anuncios de radio
    R: Eso es una buena idea, yo tambien lo veo asi. Lo voy a discutir con otro gestor de ver a su opinión.
    S: Gracias. Mañana es el cumpleaños de Hugo, que le enviara una tarjeta de cumpleaños y le felicito en nombre de todos nosotros, ¿qué te parece?
    R: Por supuesto! En consulta con otro gestor, lleva a la oficina alguna cosa de comer y una botella de cava para Hugo. Es una sorpresa.
    S: Es una Buena idea! Pero, mi cumpleaños fue hace un par de semanas, te han invitado, ¿por qué no viniste? Qué pena que no hayas venido.
    R: Lo siento de verdad, yo estaba muy ocupado. Pero yo te veo en la fiesta de Hugo (de ) manana. Pero Valé! Ahora vamos a trabajar, tenemos mucho que hacer! Hasta manana!
    S: Si Senora, Hasta manana!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Hola, i need your help with translating this from english to spanish please


    The point is that it does not coincide with the original one so I don't know if what you write in Spanish matches in English

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