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Thread: Formal/Informal

  1. #1
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    Default Formal/Informal

    Hello everyone, I am going to puerto rico with my girlfriend and would love some help.. When i meet her cousins,uncles, ect... Whats a good way to greet them and when I'm leaving how can I say something like "It was nice to meet you" and also how would you say "it was good seeing you again" thank you so much

  2. #2
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Encuentro con familiares

    Registro informal:

    Hola, ¿cómo estás? Me llamo *** y para mí es un gusto conocer a la familia de mi novia. Me encanta Puerto Rico y espero que podamos compartir momentos inolvidables.

    (Hi, how are you? My name is *** and it's a pleasure for me to meet my girlfriend's family. I really like Puerto Rico and I hope we can share unforgettable moments together.)

    Registro formal:

    Hola, ¿cómo está usted? Me llamo *** y para mí es un gusto conocer a la familia de mi novia. Me encanta Puerto Rico y espero que podamos compartir momentos inolvidables.

    (Hi, how do you do? My name is *** and it's a pleasure for me to meet my girlfriend's family. I really like Puerto Rico and I hope we can share unforgettable moments together.)

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by reminder
    Registro informal:

    Hola, ¿cómo estás? Me llamo *** y para mí es un gusto conocer a la familia de mi novia. Me encanta Puerto Rico y espero que podamos compartir momentos inolvidables.

    (Hi, how are you? My name is *** and it's a pleasure for me to meet my girlfriend's family. I really like Puerto Rico and I hope we can share unforgettable moments together.)

    Registro formal:

    Hola, ¿cómo está usted? Me llamo *** y para mí es un gusto conocer a la familia de mi novia. Me encanta Puerto Rico y espero que podamos compartir momentos inolvidables.

    (Hi, how do you do? My name is *** and it's a pleasure for me to meet my girlfriend's family. I really like Puerto Rico and I hope we can share unforgettable moments together.)

    Thanks alot! how would you say "it was good to see you" for example as I am leaving..

  4. #4
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    I would like to know if he should use formal or informal address with these people. I get the impression formal is more used in the United States and Mexico, and informal in Spain and Puerto Rico. I get this from TV and ads, maybe not the best indicator.

    I think that "mucho gusto" covers an awful lot of bases upon departure.

  5. #5
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Register - Thanks

    Regarding register, our member should try and guess what the other person would prefer: the use of "tu" or "usted".

    How to guess this? Well, in a family I agree with you on the fact that there shouldn't be any formalities. So "usted" might be only used for old relatives to show respect. Nonetheless, some old people prefer the use of "tu", so we have to be flexible and treat the person as he/she prefers to be treated.

    Some thankful phrases:

    - Jamás podré olvidar estos días maravillosos que he pasado con mi familia. Siempre me voy a acordar de todos ustedes, de su amabilidad, de sus sonrisas, y de su hospitalidad. Espero que podamos regresar muy pronto.

    (I will never forget these marvellous days I spent with my family. I will always remember you, your kindness, your smiles, your hospitality. I hope to come back pretty soon.)

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