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Thread: ehm, argh, errr...

  1. #1
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    Default ehm, argh, errr...

    a couple of words that throw me off. what's dallaire mean? and i'm not sure how largisimo is intended.

    "ahora un dia largisimo q fui a ver romeo dallaire hablar"

    i get: "after a large day that was a real romeo to speak" ???

    slightly confused.


  2. #2
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    "ahora un dia largisimo q fui a ver romeo dallaire hablar"

    I don't know what dallaire means, it could be a surname for romeo..."largisimo" is larguisimo

    It was a long day, I went to see Romeo Dallaire speak... MAYBE!!!!!

    or I went to see and speak to Romeo... maybe Dallaire is misspelled!!! as largisimo was too...
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