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Thread: "Certified" translation

  1. #1
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    Default "Certified" translation

    What is a "certified" translation of a document? Example...does it mean it must come from a certified translator? or does it mean that the translator certifies that they translated the document with signature and notorization? I was recently asked if I would do a certified translation of a birth certificate.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Hi Salfi, A Certified translation is that which is sealed and signed by an authorized (certified) translator. In my country we are called Public Interpreters (Intérpretes Públicos).Any one who knows the respective languages can do free translations; however, certified translations of public (legal) documents such as birth, marriage and death certificates; as well as registered agreements, deeds and other legal instruments are to be translated by a certified translator. I guess each country chooses its own certification criteria. In Venezuela, applicants have to take an examination at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Justice and undergo a whole process before being able to issue certified translations. When in doubt, call the embassy of the target country (the country you want to use the translated instrument in), and ask for a list of certified translators. My name is registered in the US, UK, Canadian, and many other English speaking embassies; so my certification would be valid in those countries. Please let me know if you need further assistance.

    Kind regards,

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Salfi
    What is a "certified" translation of a document? Example...does it mean it must come from a certified translator? or does it mean that the translator certifies that they translated the document with signature and notorization? I was recently asked if I would do a certified translation of a birth certificate.

    El equivalente en México es una "traducción realizada por un Perito Traductor", y como bien dice Hebe, es posible que después requieras una "legalización de firmas"y/o una "apostilla".

  4. #4
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    alguien sabe como obtener el título de traductor oficial en USA ?

  5. #5
    Registered User CeciliaMontano's Avatar
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    Espero que te sirva:



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