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Thread: Any thoughts?

  1. #1
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    Default Any thoughts?

    I am translating a document right now, though I'm not comfortable with how it came out.
    The original is: "Por lo actuado los miembros del Consejo Directivo se ratifican y firman en unidad de acto, juntamente con la Secretaria que da fe y certifica."
    I wrote: "This act is hereby ratified and certified jointly and collectively by the members of the Board of Directors, along with the Secretary, as affirmed by these signatures."
    If any one has a better idea please to tell me.
    P.S. there are only 2 signatures on the page whereas the board consists of at least 5 people... i found that strange.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Guadalupe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robeeri
    I"Por lo actuado los miembros del Consejo Directivo se ratifican y firman en unidad de acto, juntamente con la Secretaria que da fe y certifica."
    My suggestions/changes: "This act (if you refer to the act, this term would be correct; however, if you want to make reference to the document, I would use "these minutes" instead) is hereby acknowledged and signed jointly and collectively by the members of the Board of Directors, along with the certifying Secretary."

    You could also use this pattern: "along with the Secretary, who certifies and attests ***". But I don't know if you could use it in this specific case, since you would need an object.

    P.S. there are only 2 signatures on the page whereas the board consists of at least 5 people... i found that strange. Robeeri, I think this may be because only 2 directors were present at the meeting. Perhaps, in this case, 2 directors constitute a valid quorum (or not, in which case, the resolution will not be valid). A valid quorum is not necessarily the same as the number of directors.
    Hope you find it useful!

  3. #3
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    What bothered me is that it only takes a minute of searching to discover that this language is standard. Wouldn't there be a standard translation?

  4. #4
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    Thanks! That helped a lot... though I don't think I will change this act to these minutes in this case.

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