A propeller is just a big fan in front of the plane to keep the pilot cool...
when it stops, you can actually see the pilot start sweating.
A propeller is just a big fan in front of the plane to keep the pilot cool...
when it stops, you can actually see the pilot start sweating.
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Hey Frank!
Q: What do you call a pregnant flight attendant?
A: Pilot error.
Hi Vicente,
… no wonder the pilot's sweating !
I've never been to Death Valley
but I bet my garden looks like it
the green green grass of home has turned yellow/brown
we're in the middle of a heat wave here
and our airco system only works on half power...
puff puff
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Ayy Frank my friend! Stay inside! What is considered a high temperature in Antwerp? Do you use Celcius or Fahrenheit?
I live in El Paso, Texas which is on the Mexican border in the arid part of far West Texas so the humidity is always low and therefore even high temperatures don't feel so bad. I do not use conventional refrigerated air conditioning. I have an evaporative unit which works great....as long as I maintain it properly. The temps here have been running around 95-100 degrees F ( 35-38 C) but It has been tolerable, even outside. I'm doing some concrete work around my patio. If I lived over near the Gulf coast where the humidity gets up to 80% or so I would die, at my age, even in 85F (29C) degree weather.
You are probably in a high humidity zone, right? Lots of water?
¡hace mucho calor ! Up to 38°Celcius.
Usually we have a rather humid climate with winds coming from the West
= the North Sea.
Luckily, this time the wind comes from the South East and humidity is low.
It feels a bit like holiday in Spain.
But it's been going on for some weeks now and the heat creeps inside the house.
We always complain don't we ?
Besides, temperatures have dropped all of a sudden and we can breathe again.
Still no rain.
Last edited by Frank van den Eeden; 07-29-2018 at 03:35 AM.
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Hi Frank, your post just reminded me of an article I read this week:
«La vague de chaleur en Europe porte l'empreinte du changement climatique» - Libération
Thanks Nabylm for the article.
I'm not sure what to think about the climate change.
Fact is that after two days of lower temperatures the heat is coming back...
For some reason it seems more supportable, are we getting more used to it?
vague de chaleur = heat wave = hitte golf (Dutch) = Hitzewelle (German) = ola de calor
it strikes me that the word "wave" , like a wave at sea, is translated quite literally in all these languages.
bye for now,
Last edited by Frank van den Eeden; 07-31-2018 at 05:01 PM.
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More like a heat tsunami than wave from what I read and heard
I would like to join in with one that my dad told me:
The PA sounds: "Well ladies and gentleman we expect a nice trip today, there are clear clouds, and it's a short travel, so buckle up and we'll be taking off and heading to our destination in no time" A click sound is heard and the pilot continue talking:
"ahh, while we wait for the clear strip, how nice would be to get a good b%&-job, and a cup of coffee"
The Co-pilot starts agreeing and the passengers start to laugh and some getting offended, as the Flight attendant rushes to the cockpit, one yells "DON'T FORGET THE COFFEE!"
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