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Thread: How to use a custom font for CJK languages

  1. #1
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    Exclamation How to use a custom font for CJK languages

    I need help from a colleague with experience in project management.

    I've managed a small project from en>ko and had trouble with MemSource automatically selecting MS Mincho for the output in Korean. I've been told that, even though somewhat compatible, MS Mincho is not the right font to use unless I would be dealing with Japanese (some characters may not display correctly).

    I've been advised to always use Batang for Korean as a 100% compatible font type, but was wondering if there would be a way to set up MemSource so that the output would automatically use that font. Thanks!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: How to use a custom font for CJK languages

    Hi Gentle
    mmm, I understand what you mean because I´ve been having similar issues with Burmese. I don´t know if there´s any setting for fonts when you create a project. What I´ve been doing is once I download the Complete file, I changed the whole font and send the text back to the reviewer for a final QA with the almost final clean version. It would be a good thing to be able to set the font before hand, but I think that´s something we could ask from the tool support?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: How to use a custom font for CJK languages

    Quote Originally Posted by analaura View Post
    ...but I think that´s something we could ask from the tool support?
    I will, indeed! Btw...your's is a nice workaround for MS Word, but I've found that MemSource automatically changes the font type when it comes to IDML/InDesign format. For instance, I've downloaded a file translated into Vietnamese and it threw me a book to see that the source Franklin font had been replaced by Arial. What happens is that Franklin does not bear the whole character set for Vietnamese...

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