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Thread: Perfect Match

  1. #1
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    Default Perfect Match

    I have the latest version of SDL Trados 2007 and I'd love to learn how to use Perfect Matches. Can anyone give me a hand with this? Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: Perfect Match

    SDL PerfectMatch technology distinguishes between in-context and out-of-context 100% sentence matches, ensures that the 100% matches are within context before they are applied to any given translation project. This feature eliminates days of editing time during final review of large projects and delivers enormous savings in review time and cost.

    How much time do you spend on translation review?

    SDL has revolutionized the concept of TM matching, with SDL Trados Synergy, and has innovated around the "perfect match" for translation memory systems. SDL PerfectMatch technology completely eliminates the requirement for in-context 100% match review.
    Historically, 100% matches have always required review: a source sentence could be translated in more than one way, depending on the context of the phrase. LSPs no longer have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars paying for the review of 100% matches and can avoid countless hours upon hours unnecessarily reviewing them. SDL PerfectMatch technology distinguishes between in-context and out-of-context 100% sentence matches, ensures that the 100% matches are within context before they are applied to any given translation project. This feature eliminates days of editing time during final review of large projects and enormous savings in review time and cost.

    Fig 1. SDL Trados Synergy – for the first time ever SDL PerfectMatch™ Technology identifies sentences that need no review at all
    Key Benefits:
    • Reduce cost and time of new versions of translated texts, often by 90% or more: In a translation update project, unchanged content, even when moved to different locations in the text, needs no review.
    • Increase accuracy of updated translations: Context-sensitive translations provide greater accuracy and consistency.
    • Boost translator productivity: Allow translators to focus only on new and changed content, while retaining full access to content recycled by SDL PerfectMatch.
    • Increase benefits of Trados TM: Because Translator's Workbench integrates with Trados TM, all SDL PerfectMatch updates are made available to desktop and server users of Trados TM products
    • Provides logging mechanisms: Track and improve recycling rates and cost savings.
      Work with all supported language combinations: Includes Asian and Eastern European languages as well as bi-directional languages such as Arabic and Hebrew.
    • Simplifies updates for many file types: SDL PerfectMatch works with all tag-based file types: HTML, XML, DITA, XLIFF, SGML, ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, JSP, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, StarOffice, Windows RC, Windows Binary, Java Properties, Adobe FrameMaker, Interleaf-QuickSilver, Adobe InDesign, QuarkXPress, Adobe PageMaker, Corel Ventura, etc., etc.
    Key Features:
    SDL PerfectMatch is designed for companies that handle last-minute changes or large numbers of updates to translated texts. SDL PerfectMatch is ideal for:
    • Last-minute changes: When a translation project is complete or almost complete, but changes arrive at the last minute.
    • Mid-project updates: When a project is in the midst of translation, and revisions are made, or files become available that contain more reliable translations than are stored in translation memory.
    • Full-project updates: When a new project is largely based on an existing translated text, such as a new version of a user manual, or updates to web pages.
    An easy-to-use wizard runs an update project. It translates new documents or revised documents against older bilingual documents, transferring translations in context from the old documents into the new. Updated translations are created in such a way that unchanged 100% matches are protected against editing and can be skipped by the translator. All that remains to translate is new or changed text, which translators can process using Trados Translation Memory products.

    From: http://www.sdl.com/en/products/trans...fect-match.asp

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