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Thread: Translation & Localization study internship program

  1. #1
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    Default Translation & Localization study internship program

    Dear All

    I am pleased to let you know that an exciting Translation & Localization study opportunity has arisen in E-C Translation & Localization Ltd. through an innovative internship program for the current students and graduates. The program will focus on the Translation & Localization study between English and other European languages.

    Beijing E-C Translation & Localization Ltd. (BEC) is one of the largest translation and localization service providers in Asia. With ten years of remarkable experience in this industry, E-C provides high quality localization, translation and desktop publishing (DTP) services to many of the world’s leading companies. Headquartered in Beijing, China, BEC has branches in Shanghai, Shenyang, Chengdu, Hong Kong, the United States, and Singapore.

    This internship program is aimed at opening the door to a highly-rewarding, longer-term opportunity for the qualified candidates. Most of the internships last for 3 to 6months. Students are offered an opportunity to learn how a translation and localization company works. They will gain first-hand knowledge about project management, processes, and tools and will learn the importance of customer service.

    Within the internships, E-C will offer the detailed assessments through portfolios that include reports on work experience, appraisals of projects, self-evaluation of the performance and reference of project outcomes. This will be a brilliant reference for the future job-hunting.

    E-C will cover a little more than the standard living expenses in China and other cost could be paid according to the duration of the internship.

    If I can provide you anymore information, please feel free to contact me. Kindly share this information with all the friends who are interested in Translation & Localization study.

    Last edited by IUS; 06-05-2008 at 05:33 AM.

  2. #2
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    Default I want to know a little bit more about the internships

    Hello Nancy. I am studying translation english-spanish, and I am really interested in the information about the interships in Beijing I will really appreciate if you could give more information about the company and how I can send my resume to them... thanks for the information.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Translation & Localization study internship program

    Dear Nancy

    I'm Maggie, a translation teacher from Hong Kong
    . Our graduates are supposed to be qualified enough to be translation practitioners after finishing our courses. Some of them work in translation houses.

    However, graduates say what they learn in tertiary institutes and what they do in translation firms are very different. I myself was a translator and editor years ago, but I want to update my knowledge of the practical world, i.e. translator training and translation assessment in the workplace. I'd like to see how to prepare students better for the profession. Thus, it would be great if you could having more sharing with us.

    (a) Do you have a written test when hiring translators? If positive, what kind of texts do you usually choose? How long are the texts? What sort of tasks will be included? Who is to assess the piece of work? And how do they assess if a piece of work is good or not?
    (b) Do you offer training to new practitioners? If positive, what kind of training do you provide, and what are likely the contents? Is it conducted on a one-on-one basis, or is it actually a class for several individual translators? What is the duration? What kind of texts do you choose? Could you tell more about the assessment part - criteria, format?
    (c) Do you have any training for experienced translators newly joining your firms?

    Thanks and best
    Maggie (HK)

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Translation & Localization study internship program


    I want to join the programm.I'm currently working for translation agency,but need more experience.Can you send me more details and price info as well.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Translation & Localization study internship program


    Podrías darme la dirección de este maravilloso sitio para conseguir esa beca


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